I'm going, I'm going! Thanks Reppu, for signing up a spot for me!
Leanne was there for the Shroud since the first event! And the entire campaign was a wild ride for her, becoming personal in various manners. Not only because she jumped in a void gate and had early brain probbing (snrk), but because of Guerrique and Ursuline, because of O-Rehn, the journey into Amdapor, amongst other things...
I'd like to be there for the last page of this book.
Leanne was there for the Shroud since the first event! And the entire campaign was a wild ride for her, becoming personal in various manners. Not only because she jumped in a void gate and had early brain probbing (snrk), but because of Guerrique and Ursuline, because of O-Rehn, the journey into Amdapor, amongst other things...
I'd like to be there for the last page of this book.
"Forever walking forward, towards the ever distant horizon."
-Leanne Delphium