Shadows darker than a moonless night, whispers of a legend long forgotten...
Aeon is once again opening it's doors for recruitment!
These past moons have seen some changes within the Company - Some new faces have come while some old have moved on to start a new adventure, we've seen the end of stories and the beginning of many others. What hasn't changed is deep lore and the stories that we weave together into a sweeping and inclusive tale driven by our talented members.
The application process remains unchanged, though the points of contact have! Please feel free to post any questions here, send a PM, or find in game Aurou Mhirata for the quickest response. You may also speak to anyone bearing the <<Aeon>> tag and they will be able to assist you or point you in the right direction!
We welcome visitors to the house and guest RPers if you see us out and about. Don't be afraid to drop by and say 'Hello'~ IC or OOC. We look forward to subjecting welcoming new members to our ranks!