Quote:If I remember correctly, the HW guy is even referenced as a rare instance of combining techniques. Don't quote me on this, I might be misremembering.
As the lorecat showed in the quote, it is indeed a unique ability he created. However, that means people can, and do create their own methods. I'm sure others have made similar techniques in other lands. In Ishgard, that gentleman was the one to coin the idea. To be fair, I had A'rklonn using magic swordsmanship in a similar method before Heavensward came out as part of the character's roleplay canon, so seeing that it is possible in terms of someone in the game doing it just cemented it was lore-possible, which kinda makes me happy.
You don't have to be a WoL or have a shiny job crystal to be a badass and good at a class or three. Just study, have talent, train, and have great teachers. Just cause apparently a lot of people like to play the powerless everyman a lot of the time out of preference, does not mean they *have* to. You can do a LOT of clever, good things with even basic magic if you consider it a fluid art. Lore is a guideline, not a religious doctrine.