Kinda miffed they gave the AST weapon a name that's more iconic of Ogre Battle, but it's to be expected considering there's only so much mythology you can pick from. Especially after the Tactics Ogre Valerian gear.
- New step can be grinded for prior to completing previous step.
- Crystal Tower Weekly (aka Carbontwerk) is 300 Poetics Min., 450 with bonus, aka almost one Unidentified Bone/Unidentified Shell
- It'll take either of : 5 weeks of Carbontwerking, 5x1800 Esoterics or a combination of the two to complete this step.
- New step can be grinded for prior to completing previous step.
- Crystal Tower Weekly (aka Carbontwerk) is 300 Poetics Min., 450 with bonus, aka almost one Unidentified Bone/Unidentified Shell
- It'll take either of : 5 weeks of Carbontwerking, 5x1800 Esoterics or a combination of the two to complete this step.