Adds phase isn't that hard nor do I think coordination is really needed unless the healers and the tanks are fucking it up. It was simply easy to have the tanks separate the adds to their own sides of the map. DPS wail on the dragon who is STONE VIGIL!!!!111111!!!!1111 So no one should be getting hurt by that and then focusing one add (easy, a tank marks it) and then kills the other. Not even much movement involved for a monk. I mean, I went in with reliable drg and smn and 2 tanks. DPS check wasn't the issue.
Fucking orbs >.> Which I learned in my clear attempt "oh I can just bait this shit and then dodge... derp"
I only queued once and we did run to just under 30min left on the timer. Since our clear was the 4th attempt. Still... I am surprised but not by the issues with dps. The only hard one is the moving Stone Vigil dragon cause it moves but it... isn't??? And the others are just... no mechanics when you hit them either so I'm not sure why people are having issues >.>;
Fucking orbs >.> Which I learned in my clear attempt "oh I can just bait this shit and then dodge... derp"
I only queued once and we did run to just under 30min left on the timer. Since our clear was the 4th attempt. Still... I am surprised but not by the issues with dps. The only hard one is the moving Stone Vigil dragon cause it moves but it... isn't??? And the others are just... no mechanics when you hit them either so I'm not sure why people are having issues >.>;