I'm not so sure he teleported. My guess is that he pulled a flashbang of sorts to blind everyone that did not affect him since he was wearing his helm which would have protected him against it (though why this would affect Y'shtola is a mystery but then we don't know the full nature of her vision either). While everyone was blinded he ran. I believe that makes more sense for Garleans than some manner of teleportation.
As for him pulling a betrayal of the Emperor...well his full name "Regulus van Hydrus" translates to "Rule of the Serpent" in a combination of Latin and Dutch (Regula = Latin for "rule", van = "for/of" in Dutch, Hydrus = Latin for "water-snake"). Take that as you will.
As for him pulling a betrayal of the Emperor...well his full name "Regulus van Hydrus" translates to "Rule of the Serpent" in a combination of Latin and Dutch (Regula = Latin for "rule", van = "for/of" in Dutch, Hydrus = Latin for "water-snake"). Take that as you will.