I'm hoping that we only get one new class for 4.0 so there's more time for development elsewhere as well as more room to tweak the existing classes by combining some abilities or even removing a few of the more lacklustre ones. There's a genuine risk of needless button bloat if the existing abilities are joined with a bunch of new ones.
I also do not want to see a new playable race added just yet. I'd rather see them focus instead on expanding the options for the existing playable races. I would very much like to be able to play a Highlander with classically handsome features and real eyebrows. I also want every race to have a muscle tone slider and more options for scars/distinct facial features.
I also do not want to see a new playable race added just yet. I'd rather see them focus instead on expanding the options for the existing playable races. I would very much like to be able to play a Highlander with classically handsome features and real eyebrows. I also want every race to have a muscle tone slider and more options for scars/distinct facial features.