First off... I had to look up what a weeb was. I learned something.
Second of all, it can be hard to get into groups. I'm new to game and RP in FF14 and outside of my old EQ2 friends, I still haven't really met anyone outside of the Grindstone (All of which are cool folks to fight with) and nothing lasting. It sucks to feel ignored and just know that, it isn't just a feeling. But those that just flat out ignore people are in in the minority. A lot of people are just either shy, or their character isn't that out going, or the player just flat out misses it.
Cliques are a definitely a thing, always will be everywhere. It's just a matter of finding the one that "clicks" (HA!) with you as well. With a community as big as this one, that can take some time to weed through it all. Just hang in there, it'll happen sooner or later. Also, feel free to poke me ingame, promise to respond and say hello maybe even RP!
 Reylin Sephr.
Second of all, it can be hard to get into groups. I'm new to game and RP in FF14 and outside of my old EQ2 friends, I still haven't really met anyone outside of the Grindstone (All of which are cool folks to fight with) and nothing lasting. It sucks to feel ignored and just know that, it isn't just a feeling. But those that just flat out ignore people are in in the minority. A lot of people are just either shy, or their character isn't that out going, or the player just flat out misses it.
Cliques are a definitely a thing, always will be everywhere. It's just a matter of finding the one that "clicks" (HA!) with you as well. With a community as big as this one, that can take some time to weed through it all. Just hang in there, it'll happen sooner or later. Also, feel free to poke me ingame, promise to respond and say hello maybe even RP!