As someone who actually runs an event that can get quite chat scroll ridden at times, I can say that myself and the people who help run it actually don't care if people use private channels while attending. In fact with the Bazaar we have a rather interesting situation where we as staff -need- to read every single post because we've been crashed by thieves before and thus having a little less to deal with is a blessing in disguise.
Honestly though I don't think anyone owes something to the rest of the community to be RPing in the open when they attend events. So long as they're polite and abide by the rules set forth by the organizers does it -really- matter if they do it privately? Especially if for some people it actually helps ease their social anxiety and or potential headaches that the spam might cause? I can understand wanting to rock up and RP with someone only to find out they're deep in a private scene. Yet it also never hurts to simply and politely ask them if you can join. You might actually be surprised by the answer you receive! In our little LS that was made for the Gala we invited at least one person who asked to join so they could RP with us as a group and it all went fairly swimmingly. We got to avoid the chat spam entirely and made a new friend! It was a win-win in our books.
Demonizing other people, on the other hand, because you don't like their choices doesn't do much to make people see your point of view or want to open up to include you.
Honestly though I don't think anyone owes something to the rest of the community to be RPing in the open when they attend events. So long as they're polite and abide by the rules set forth by the organizers does it -really- matter if they do it privately? Especially if for some people it actually helps ease their social anxiety and or potential headaches that the spam might cause? I can understand wanting to rock up and RP with someone only to find out they're deep in a private scene. Yet it also never hurts to simply and politely ask them if you can join. You might actually be surprised by the answer you receive! In our little LS that was made for the Gala we invited at least one person who asked to join so they could RP with us as a group and it all went fairly swimmingly. We got to avoid the chat spam entirely and made a new friend! It was a win-win in our books.
Demonizing other people, on the other hand, because you don't like their choices doesn't do much to make people see your point of view or want to open up to include you.