(12-19-2016, 12:43 PM)Gegenji Wrote: Every sensitive topic thread that comes up tends to get grilled a little in the Void to some degree.I never said that anyone owes me RP though. People just assume this. ;;
There's still some good information that's being put out here among the occasional spat of vitriol. The unhappy truth that no one really "owes" you RP, methods to go about trying to reach out and develop more long-term RP, the general idea that you should make a character for yourself first and foremost over a character you think others will like, and avoiding character-hopping to allow for relationships to develop. Even the point that cliques exist both here and in real life and that they're inherently not a bad thing - that social circles are cliques. It's all good information.
The fact the topic is getting ribbed is mostly because it's a frequent issue that arises, and the thread itself attracted a lot of attention. It's not something to get disheartened over.
And neither is the lull in RP. You've already gotten some potential one-on-one RP lined up with Verad, just keep doing stuff like that. Find people through the RPC or tells or what-have-you that you find interesting and try seeing if they want to RP with you. And, as mentioned, with a character that you yourself find fun to play rather than trying to tailor your character to fit what you think others want.
I'm a cat.