It's kind of interesting to see both sides of the fantasia/namechange/retcon/alt-hopping deal. Here we have OP saying she's done it to try to make connections and find something that works, and then we have Rosekitten talking about how others doing it made it difficult for her to make a meaningful connections with anyone on the server. And both, on their opposite ends of the spectrum, feel as if they've had problems making connections due to others' attitudes/behaviors. I think it really drives home the point that most people aren't really going out of their way to (intentionally) exclude or brush off others and may be just as shy/lonely/friendly/kind as the people who feel wronged by them. There are plenty of times all of us go ignored or unnoticed, but it's really not productive to immediately assume it be borne of any sort of meanness, judgement, elitism or ill will on the other person's part.