(03-19-2017, 06:55 AM)chatterbox Wrote: I brought this up before in a linkshell, but apparently my reasoning was too outrageous for anyone to calmly talk about it, and instead I was personally insulted by something like 5 people because of having such an extreme opinion on this matter!As Ferus said, the amount of time needed to retune/rewrite/recode and remake the 1-50 experience of MSQ would take a lot of time. It doesn't just happen overnight and can take a lot of time away from what really can matter.
Buckle your seatbelts, because after the last time I said what I'm about to say, I got blown out of the water for it...are you ready? Okay.
1) I think that jump potions and MSQ should meet in the middle.
2) I do not think that SE should monetize the game's failings
3) I believe in permanent long-term fixes to problems instead of extreme solutions (everything or nothing in this case)
4) They should just create a streamlined, much shorter series of quests that tell the story of the game, while removing all of the fluff and fetch quests.
5) While doing this, they should bring more emphasis on players doing instanced content via the leveling roulette, and motivate new players to advance through the story and allow them to IMMEDIATELY play with their friends from level 1
The story doesn't need to be skipped, it needs to be improved. What kind of message are we as players sending when we say, "Not only will we not care if you don't fix this horrible, broken, destructive part of the game that drives away new players, but we'll actually PAY you extra money for not fixing it to offset the lost revenue of the players who have quit the game over it!"
Paying SE extra cash to bypass a broken part of the game is just insanity. What motivation do they have to fix the game's issues if they are paid for not fixing them? What other issues will arise that they will simply make a jump potion for in the future instead of fixing those problems?
Monetizing problems with the game is really scummy, moreso than any other possible monetization. I don't believe jump potions should exist outside of the players who have already achieved level 50 and beyond, and instead I believe that a more intricate overhaul of the MSQ is required, as well as an overhaul of the new player experience. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed with a serious solution. Slapping a pricetag on a potion to skip it all is most certainly NOT a solution. Its paying them to avoid making a real solution. Its bad for the game.
The Expansion, newer content for endgame and side content like Gold Saucer and The Feast. The only other option aside from the Jump potion would be to (and i can't believe I'm going to say this)
Is to REMOVE the 2.1-2.3 Filler content of the MSQ content and just auto unlock EVERYTHING you can do at level 50. But the amount of dungeons/trials/raids and Primals locked behind level 50 quests is staggering enough that removing of said quests would probably anger some die hard fans.
The sad part is that we are living in a post-Mobile App game world where people don't have "time" to set aside and grind hours upon hours just to be viable to do endgame content (Which they are changing in 4.0 thank god) or even take a buttload of hours grinding away on alternative characters since some people, despite enjoying the every class on one character, wants to play each race or enjoy their looks or Roleplay purposes.Â
I am sad too that level boosts exist and I was almost with them when the wow version came in Mists but...it hit me. More people could actually play the game instead of go through content no one really cares about or even talks in anymore. You try leveling from 1-99 in World of Warcraft now. Barely anyone is willing to have a conversation in a dungeon or party up for quests since they are all solo-able now.Â
As a certain orc would say...
P.S: Those 5 people are not thinking outside the box or long term if they insulted you. Either FF14 is their first MMO or they are so diehard about ingame achievements like doing the leveling experience when it was current that they should cash out before they say 'hit me' on 20 and lose their all in bet.