(05-19-2017, 04:16 PM)Helyous_Apollus Wrote: Since she cast away her star globe for conjury canes, how does she locate the stars to perform Sharlayan astrology? Also, does she still keep a divining deck somewhere with her?
The concept is interesting and I like how you made her deal with the issue of the Bibliothecs. I just wonder if she still can perform her Astrology and also, was she born in Sharlayan or the now-abandoned colony in Dravania?
What I have so far is. I kind of have it that she can still locate the stars thanks to her mother's teaching, but doesn't really preform Sharlayan Astrology much due to possible threats lurking in the shadows and since she is kind of a fugitive along with her "Family" . She does have a divining deck hidden away with her star globe.
She was indeed born in Sharlayan, but born among a bunch of Gypsies that had a different set of thinking then most natives