My main is Y'shenn Baelat. He's by umbrella definition, a merchant. More specifically, he is a 'merchant lord' because he has a finger in many, many different pies. It's what I roleplay as on him every single day, extending his network and increasing business flow and hiring people to do jobs for him, where-ever necessary.
My one and only other alt I have on Balmung is K'ghuya Tia, and he is right now a bartender at the Wayfarers. Before that, he was a wandering minstrel and did the odd jobs here and there to just get by and play his music. In order words, more of an adventurer. :p
My one and only other alt I have on Balmung is K'ghuya Tia, and he is right now a bartender at the Wayfarers. Before that, he was a wandering minstrel and did the odd jobs here and there to just get by and play his music. In order words, more of an adventurer. :p