Real talk... if they kill off Thancred I'm going to - well, I'm not going to fib and say I'll unsub. But I'll have trouble finishing the MSQ.
It took me so long to get through 3.0, even though I knew he would reappear in 3.1...
I agree Shtola is a red herring, though. If nothing else because I think it'll have more impact on the WoL to see another comrade almost die when their shield faulters and a weapon goes through their gut, causing blood to seep from their mouth... than if said comrade actually dies (which I feel will just be like "welp, that happened again, everything's horrible, what's new").
It took me so long to get through 3.0, even though I knew he would reappear in 3.1...
I agree Shtola is a red herring, though. If nothing else because I think it'll have more impact on the WoL to see another comrade almost die when their shield faulters and a weapon goes through their gut, causing blood to seep from their mouth... than if said comrade actually dies (which I feel will just be like "welp, that happened again, everything's horrible, what's new").