I. Basic Info
II. RP Style
III. Other Info
- Characters: Y'raya Shul, Pokiki Poki, Khutula Kha, Red Boar, Ivreane Dreavovette, Kirstine Addock, Awyrbryda Faezbharwyn, Momoshi Tatashi
- Primary character: To be decided! I'll spend time on all, however. Waiting to see who feels most comfortable, and is enjoyable to spend my time with.
- Linkshells: None Yet
- Primary RP linkshell: See above
II. RP Style
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
Heavy. If you approach me IC while running quests alone, I will likely RP right back at you. I love random encounters out in the world at large, given I'm not really grinding something out (in which case, I'm probably not in the overworld). I RP in whisper and other chats too, from time to time, but prefer the interactions in person unless something has to be done while offline (or something is being filled in from offline time).
- Views on RP combat and injuries:
Roll duel or pre-decided outcomes, will take my licks, no forced character death ever. Fine with a good back and forth too. I'm not the type to think my characters are the most awesome ever. They're good at what they do, bad at what they don't, and middling as some other stuff. Just, y'know, don't walk all over me.
- Views on IC romance:
My characters are people. It won't be forced, but it may happen. Not for all of them, though.
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
If family members pop up, awesome. I leave things vague there for a reason.
- Views on lore:
I always do my best to make my characters fit the world they're in, but I'm not going to go off on anyone who is having fun RPing differently.
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
If it's not in a chat channel (general, FC, party) what I say is IC unless in (( )), and < > is IC Xaela language.
III. Other Info
- Country: United States
- Timezone: Pacific Standard Time
- Contact info: Reach out here, unless IC in game, or previously in contact. I tend to ignore random whispers, but am always open to IC contact. Get to know my characters, and you're more likely to get to know me.
~Special announcements can be found in the posts below~