Xaela are apparently Turkish-derived, but plenty of people are given names from outside their home culture in the real world and it's not any issue. That aside, if you're intending to fantasia her into a Raen, the name seems fine to me as far as a Japanese-inspired name. I couldn't say if it's similar to an NPC or not, but if it is, so what. Nobody in real life has the same name, ever, right? As long as your character isn't an attempt to mimic said NPC (which from what you said, she isn't), that doesn't seem problematic at all.
Lydia Lightfoot ~ The Reliquarian's Guild «Relic» ~ Lavender Beds, Ward 12, #41
This player has a sense of humor. If the content of the post suggests otherwise, please err on the side of amusement and friendship, because that's almost certainly the intent. We're all on the same team: Team Roleplayer! Have a smile, have a chuckle, and have a slice of pie. Isn't pie great?
This player has a sense of humor. If the content of the post suggests otherwise, please err on the side of amusement and friendship, because that's almost certainly the intent. We're all on the same team: Team Roleplayer! Have a smile, have a chuckle, and have a slice of pie. Isn't pie great?