My goodness I have to give a special shoutout to the guild Eden for participating in their first rp lesson today. It was impromptu, funny and the ones who participated did very well for their first time. Like I said, we are going to be drawing a lot of lurkers. I noticed a crowd watching a roleplay session I was having inside of the Quicksand and one of them said "This is better than daytime soap operas". So I said what the hell and said "Perhaps next time you can participate ?". Well he got the courage to join in and it was funny. His character had some whiskey Amaare got him and he got drunk. Then a few others joined in with him. Then his friend joined in and served as a waiter. He got Amaare some (what he called)KFC which was a live Chocobo hatchling. Amaare told him "I can't eat this, its too cute to eat!", and he told Amaare "This is KFC style sir, I can guarantee its fried". Amaare replied "Fried fresh and alive? I don't know what this KFC is, but I don't think I want it anymore". lol
Teach these kids, be patient with them and show them the way, gently. They enjoyed it and so did I and I told them if they want to try it out again to hit me up in phase four. Remember most of our roleplayers are going to come from those new to doing it. Lets make their first experience a great one guys! We don't have the luxury of a big pool of rpers like Balmung will, so we have to work hard to build this up ourselves.
To roleplaying the pastime we all love!
Teach these kids, be patient with them and show them the way, gently. They enjoyed it and so did I and I told them if they want to try it out again to hit me up in phase four. Remember most of our roleplayers are going to come from those new to doing it. Lets make their first experience a great one guys! We don't have the luxury of a big pool of rpers like Balmung will, so we have to work hard to build this up ourselves.
To roleplaying the pastime we all love!
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