Hey Annaveil! Freelance did an excellent explanation of White Mage. I just wanted to post the actual "history" of the job, so you might better understand just why White Magic is so rare.
-Raya-O-Senna, The Wheel of Disaster
So after this, White Magic was supposedly lost to Eorzea for over a millennia. It made it's second appearance about 500 years ago, with the creation of Gridania and the end of the time of Gelmorra. Because of this calamity, the Elementals of the Twelveswood would not allow anyone into the forest, out of fear and anger at it's previous inhabitants in the Fifth Astral Era. So, the Elezen built a vast city underneath the forest called Gelmorra, but they were not allowed to the surface. It wasn't until Hyur started migrating to Eorzea that this began to resolve itself.
Elezen and Hyur do not typically suffer each other's company. The Hyur invaded Elezen lands and it was basically all out war between the two races until 500 years ago, where in Gelmorra, the Elezen and the Hyur put aside their differences and sought to find a way to reach the surface of the Twelveswood. (This is where the Gridanian Flag comes from. The twin adders are representative of the two races making peace.) To do this, they needed to appease the Elementals. Thus after many many years, Conjury was created. This magic used the aether of natural world around them and through meditation, Conjurer's were able to manipulate it into a spell. Because the Elementals are part of Nature, this form of magic allowed the Gelmorrans to communicate with the Elementals.
The Pact of Gelmorra was struck between the Elementals and the Gelmorrans. The Gelmorrans would be allowed to live within the Twelveswood if they swore on oath to never defile the forest, never let it come to harm, never abuse the aether that coursed through the land. They agreed and Gridania was built. Now it's the way of life in Gridania to take from the forest only what you need and give back everything you have in excess.Â
How do White Mages fit into all this? The Elementals never forget anything. They remember back to the days when the Twelve still walked the land. They remember the power of Succor. They knew that if the wounds of the forest were to properly heal, such a power would have to exist in Eorzea once more. So they entrusted the knowledge of White Magic to a select few conjurers. The Elementals also blessed these conjurers, changing the very chemistry of their body. When these select Hyur Conjurers had children, these children grew up with incredible control of conjury and white magic. At puberty, these children stopped growing and became Padjal. They started growing horns. That's why all the Padjal you see in game look like children. Except Kan-E-Senna who looks older, which leads many to believe she was one of the first Padjal/White Mage and that she may not have become Padjal the natural way.Â
Hope this helps!
Quote:The Fifth Astral Era is said to have begun approximately three millennia ago. The ice age that ushered in the Fifth Umbral Era made the land a barren and merciless place, and man was pushed to the limits of his resourcefulness in the struggle to survive. Yet survive he did, through the discovery of magic as we know it - an event which marked the dawning of the Fifth Astral Era.
At first, man was well pleased just to keep the cold at bay and compete with the other races. But man is nothing if not an ambitious beast. It was not long before he sought mightier magicks, hoping to win greater glory. It was this desire that brought forth Black Magic, the arcane art of destruction, into the world. In order that this force of chaos be kept in check and balance preserved, at roughly the same point in history, white magic, the arcane art of succor, came into existence.
Emboldened by magic, man went on to reach the zenith of glory. But his hunger knew no bounds. Over time, even they who donned the white began perverting their powers for the sake of self-gain, and in this single minded pursuit scrupled not to sully the sanctity of the Twelveswood. In his pride and avarice, man brought down the wrath of the Elementals upon himself. A great deluge was sent to cleanse the land of his wicked presence, in the wake of which the forest rose to swallow up all that was not washed away. Thus did the Sixth Umbral Era begin.
-Raya-O-Senna, The Wheel of Disaster
So after this, White Magic was supposedly lost to Eorzea for over a millennia. It made it's second appearance about 500 years ago, with the creation of Gridania and the end of the time of Gelmorra. Because of this calamity, the Elementals of the Twelveswood would not allow anyone into the forest, out of fear and anger at it's previous inhabitants in the Fifth Astral Era. So, the Elezen built a vast city underneath the forest called Gelmorra, but they were not allowed to the surface. It wasn't until Hyur started migrating to Eorzea that this began to resolve itself.
Elezen and Hyur do not typically suffer each other's company. The Hyur invaded Elezen lands and it was basically all out war between the two races until 500 years ago, where in Gelmorra, the Elezen and the Hyur put aside their differences and sought to find a way to reach the surface of the Twelveswood. (This is where the Gridanian Flag comes from. The twin adders are representative of the two races making peace.) To do this, they needed to appease the Elementals. Thus after many many years, Conjury was created. This magic used the aether of natural world around them and through meditation, Conjurer's were able to manipulate it into a spell. Because the Elementals are part of Nature, this form of magic allowed the Gelmorrans to communicate with the Elementals.
The Pact of Gelmorra was struck between the Elementals and the Gelmorrans. The Gelmorrans would be allowed to live within the Twelveswood if they swore on oath to never defile the forest, never let it come to harm, never abuse the aether that coursed through the land. They agreed and Gridania was built. Now it's the way of life in Gridania to take from the forest only what you need and give back everything you have in excess.Â
How do White Mages fit into all this? The Elementals never forget anything. They remember back to the days when the Twelve still walked the land. They remember the power of Succor. They knew that if the wounds of the forest were to properly heal, such a power would have to exist in Eorzea once more. So they entrusted the knowledge of White Magic to a select few conjurers. The Elementals also blessed these conjurers, changing the very chemistry of their body. When these select Hyur Conjurers had children, these children grew up with incredible control of conjury and white magic. At puberty, these children stopped growing and became Padjal. They started growing horns. That's why all the Padjal you see in game look like children. Except Kan-E-Senna who looks older, which leads many to believe she was one of the first Padjal/White Mage and that she may not have become Padjal the natural way.Â
Hope this helps!