I don't entirely agree, but then, I don't entirely disagree.
My recollection is that E-Sumi makes it clear in other parts of the quest dialogue that Selphie is in fact highly talented in Conjury, but her choice to not study and learn to commune with the elements (driven by her desire to only heal people) results in her failing to cast "properly," thereby using her own life to heal others. My read of that is that she has a special talent, but that talent is for using one's own Aether to heal others. Of course, as Sounsyy pointed out in another thread, E-Sumi could also be being devious here, since what Selphie is doing may be coming dangerously close to the proscribed art of White Magic.
That said, given what we know about the practice of Thaumaturgy, I think your interpretation is also equally valid. I definitely don't want to say my interpretation is the true one, since we've only seen the new quest line up to a relatively low level.

My recollection is that E-Sumi makes it clear in other parts of the quest dialogue that Selphie is in fact highly talented in Conjury, but her choice to not study and learn to commune with the elements (driven by her desire to only heal people) results in her failing to cast "properly," thereby using her own life to heal others. My read of that is that she has a special talent, but that talent is for using one's own Aether to heal others. Of course, as Sounsyy pointed out in another thread, E-Sumi could also be being devious here, since what Selphie is doing may be coming dangerously close to the proscribed art of White Magic.
That said, given what we know about the practice of Thaumaturgy, I think your interpretation is also equally valid. I definitely don't want to say my interpretation is the true one, since we've only seen the new quest line up to a relatively low level.

The Freelance Wizard
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