(08-09-2013, 11:53 PM)Ellion Goto Wrote: That's absolutely true. Maybe it's because their voices contrast much better against the harsh drops, I'm not sure.My friend records music/mixes/etc. and he said the same thing, so that is probably it.
Let me know if you know of any good songs that aren't on that list, and I'll add them haha
(08-09-2013, 11:54 PM)Fiona Swift Wrote: did someone say... dubstep? Â *begins to hunt down music files and favs*Snipped the vids.
In-case you all have not noticed, I am a giant music lover! Â
 Nice. If you check my character's wiki, at the bottom there is his 'battle hymns' that I think he would play or basically fit the theme of him in combat. XD They are instrumentals though.
But yeah. Music is amazing. Especially dubstep.
Oh, and.  <- That is the best smiley face EVER created. E.V.E.R.
Felix Sideris
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