(08-10-2013, 02:03 PM)FreelanceWizard Wrote: I'm going to have to go with the hyur on this one. She has a look to her... an almost haunted look, I think, as if she's seen something she'd rather not have, and she'll try to stop that from happening again. There's a certain shyness to her features, as well. I look at that picture and I wonder, "What happened to her? What's her story?"
IMO, the miqo'te is, by comparison, less interesting.
All that said, backstory and personality are the important thing in terms of what makes a character interesting and what race fits best. If we're just talking about appearances, though, I'd go with the hyur.
I noticed this as well. A lot of it comes from the eyebrows, I think, as well as the curvature/shape of the mouth. In another game, I had a character that I used that sort of facial design for, because I wanted her to have a stricken appearance, vaguely reminiscent to something out of Silent Hill, such as Heather or Alessa (some terrible things happened to her in her backstory). The Midlander kind of reminds me of that character, which intrigues me.
You certainly don't have to have a tragic or traumatic backstory, but that sort of appearance lends itself to that well, and it suddenly makes the house/scenery I imagined seem a lot more decrepit and foreboding...