(08-18-2013, 12:54 AM)Ridolain_Kirkwall Wrote: Would love to be part of this, but can't get on Gilgamesh (which I am sure many many other RPers are locked out as well)
So guess I'll be seeing you all in head start/live!
We will be glad to have you, keep trying so you can hopefully make it into the event at Akpabu Falls tonight in Gridania!
For those who attended last nights class thank you and I hope it went over well. I also enjoyed the fun we had roleplaying at the end. There were like ten to fifteen of us rping in a large group throughout Ul'dah, Thanalan, Horizon and Vesper Bay and we did not get trolled -once-.
Thanks again guys and welcome to those that have joined us! We are really glad to have you with us as our little community is shaping up nicely!
Send a tell to Yaein Mayweather,Kayle Delwyn, Booker Dewitt, Yeldir Melfusor, Edrin Wiks, Miriluni Mimiluni and Luluni Luni or Amaare Margolis to get a pearl. Keep an eye on the site's calendar for upcoming events
Don't forget to contact these guys for a linkpearl for the ic and ooc hubs!
A good FFXIV lore site: http://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Eorzea