Considering the Gilgamesh RP Community brand spanking new it's hard to think of them as being established in any way. They're dedicated, and they're organized, but they're hardly established yet. Even Balmung is going through a whole new renewal with a massive influx of new members, in fact there are probably more new RPers than old at this point.
It's not that we're trying to steal people away, it's just that many of us would rather not see an already small community of roleplayers split three ways. This is in no way meant to persuade people away from Behemoth, after all it was my server of choice through most of the beta, but I wouldn't exactly call them beleaguered either. Bahamut is under represented on the RPC merely because there are very few people RPing there compared to Gilgamesh and Balmung, so Behemoth isn't so much beset by difficulties as it is unpopular by comparison.
It's not that we're trying to steal people away, it's just that many of us would rather not see an already small community of roleplayers split three ways. This is in no way meant to persuade people away from Behemoth, after all it was my server of choice through most of the beta, but I wouldn't exactly call them beleaguered either. Bahamut is under represented on the RPC merely because there are very few people RPing there compared to Gilgamesh and Balmung, so Behemoth isn't so much beset by difficulties as it is unpopular by comparison.