Alright we are starting to put things into motion for the event. One thing I will ask is can anyone help with the following supplies:
Diremite Web (drop from a level 27 Mob near Fallgourd Float in the Black Shroud), Flax (level 30ish Botany gatherable), Fleece (Karakul mob drop right outside the south gate of Dragonhead in Coerthas), as well as various leathers and ingots occasionally. Please either ship them to myself or Luluni Luni, whatever you can spare or don't need or can't use!
Diremite Web (drop from a level 27 Mob near Fallgourd Float in the Black Shroud), Flax (level 30ish Botany gatherable), Fleece (Karakul mob drop right outside the south gate of Dragonhead in Coerthas), as well as various leathers and ingots occasionally. Please either ship them to myself or Luluni Luni, whatever you can spare or don't need or can't use!
A good FFXIV lore site: http://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Eorzea