Costa del Sol and Wineport are also very popular RP spots; they're both in La Noscea and relatively easy to get to, even at low levels. (There are some level 25ish aggro mobs on the way to Wineport, but they're easily avoided.) Take the ferry from Fisherman's Bottom in Limsa to Aleport, then head north to Wineport. There's a ferry you can take near Wineport that'll take you to the other side of the map; head south on the road to Costa del Sol.
In terms of FC tags for active RP guilds, some off the top of my head are "RP", "EQ-RP", "S:R", "Tower", "Aegis", "BoN", "KXII", "XI:7", and "FoE". There are likely more -- those are just the ones I know.
In terms of FC tags for active RP guilds, some off the top of my head are "RP", "EQ-RP", "S:R", "Tower", "Aegis", "BoN", "KXII", "XI:7", and "FoE". There are likely more -- those are just the ones I know.

The Freelance Wizard
Quality RP at low, low prices!
((about me | about L'yhta Mahre | L'yhta's desk | about Mysterium, the Ivory Tower: a heavy RP society of mages))
Quality RP at low, low prices!
((about me | about L'yhta Mahre | L'yhta's desk | about Mysterium, the Ivory Tower: a heavy RP society of mages))