((Some indeterminate time later.))
Ulanan Ulan was cutting bread in slices, then cutting olives and placing those slices over the bread in little green piles.
Elan Tyrinar "Please hold your applause to the end.. if you would be so kind."
Elan Tyrinar readies his harp once again, "I will now play you, "Your Song" which was once performed by a minstrel known as Elton John."
Elan Tyrinar finishes his song, you can see his eyes are filled with a sense of joy.
S'rihnn Nunh claps for Elan Tyrinar.
Ulanan Ulan claps for Elan Tyrinar.
Faye Covington quirked one blonde eyebrow at the bard and silently continued sipping her tea. Elan Tyrinar bows.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn claps for Elan Tyrinar.
Ulanan Ulan spares a weird look to the man that is sitting next to her.
Antimony Jhanhi emerges from the hall leading to the inn rooms with just in time to catch the end of a refrain of music. She stands still for a moment, ears twitching, before continuing on into the main room, a folder held to her chest.
S'rihnn Nunh: Errr... sorry, empty seat. Just wanted it for the show.
Antimony Jhanhi: Ah, Ulanan! I'd wondered if you'd gone off to see family already...
Ulanan Ulan: I must say that is quite an acceptable explanation.
Ulanan Ulan turns to look at Antimony. "How are you feeling today?"
Antimony Jhanhi blinks. "Acceptable explanation...?"
S'rihnn Nunh motions to himself.
Ulanan Ulan gesture to S'rihnn.
S'rihnn Nunh: She's talking about her rather unexpected company.
Antimony Jhanhi: ... Ah! Well. Hel...lo.
Ulanan Ulan: Apparently, chairs in the Quicksand spontaneously generate Miqo'tes. Who would have known?
S'rihnn Nunh shrugs.
Antimony Jhanhi 's ears go a bit lopsided.
Ulanan Ulan: Why don't you have a sit?
S'rihnn Nunh: Actually, take mine if you'd like.
Antimony Jhanhi: ... Yes! I mean, no-no, don't stand on my account... oh.
S'rihnn Nunh: It's no problem, really.
S'rihnn Nunh gazes upon you in deep reflection. S'rihnn Nunh: Are you alright? You seem... what's the word...
Antimony Jhanhi wrings the folder in her hand. "I don't want to interrupt any... chatting you may've been doing with..." She pauses, looks a bit flustered and shakes her head.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn runs a hand through her hair as she peers around the room, a bored expression settling in on her face.
Ulanan Ulan: The only conversation we were having was about his sudden appareance. It was a short lived conversation.
Antimony Jhanhi: ... Ahah. Well! I'm fine. Quite alright really. I hope you.. enjoyed your sit?
S'rihnn Nunh pats the back of his head lightly as his ears flick back and forth. "Oh no, not at all! There wasn't really any conversation being had... Just mutual enjoyment of the bard's playing!"
S'rihnn Nunh: I certainly did, thank you. Now before making this any more awkward than it is... I think I'll be taking my leave.
S'rihnn Nunh bows courteously.
Antimony Jhanhi smiles after a perhaps too-long pause. "Alright. Ah... take care!"
Ulanan Ulan: If you think that will be needed. Farewell!
Antimony Jhanhi shakes herself after the miqo'te walks away.
Ulanan Ulan looks at Antimony quietly for a few moments.
Ulanan Ulan: You did not run away from him.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn raises a her glass of wine to her lips and leans back in her chair. Â "Wish the bard would come back. Â A distraction from this boredom would be nice..." she mutters to herself.
Antimony Jhanhi: What? Why... would I do that?
Ulanan Ulan: I guess he wasn't from your tribe. Olives?
Ulanan Ulan offers one slice of bread covered in even smaller olive slices to the Miqo'te.
S'rihnn Nunh chuckles to himself as he rests his hands on the countertop. "Lets see... what to drink.." His ears twitching all about.
Antimony Jhanhi 's tail swishes like the pendulum of a clock behind her. She eyes the bread a second and even reaches out to accept it before processing Ulanan's words fully and practically flinching.
Antimony Jhanhi: Ah. That... I don't know why you'd think such a thing at all.
Ulanan Ulan is distracted momentarily before returning her sight to Antimony.
Ulanan Ulan: I'll explain later.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn drains the last of her wine as she peers around again. Â She sets it down on the table with a quiet clack of glass on wood. Â She straightens up and glances from patron to patron, looking for someone who might be amenable to conversation.
Antimony Jhanhi: ... Later?
Antimony Jhanhi looks a bit distressed by this thought, but moves around behind Ulanan to take the available seat.
Antimony Jhanhi: I think... yes, I'll take some olives..
Ulanan Ulan squints at the man's hat. She says nothing, though, trying to determine if he truly exists or if the chair just spontaneously generated another man.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn settles her gaze on the table across the room and gives a nearly imperceptible nod. Â She trudges across the room to said table, speaking up when she arrives. Â "Don't mean to be a bother, but would it be alright if I joined you?"
Ulanan Ulan: Olives are helpful for the heart and beneficial for the brain!
Ulanan Ulan squints at the Roegadyn. This one is real. "That depends. What do you think of olives?"
Antimony Jhanhi starts, her ears shifting towards the roegadyn in advance of the rest of her head.Â
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn quirks a brow at the unusual question, though it wasn't that unusual, given the speaker was a Lalafell. Â "They're pretty good, especially when you stuff the center with a bit of hot pepper."
Antimony Jhanhi blinks and half smiles, fidgeting her fingers against the edges of hte folder in her lap. "Are all Ul'dahns so friendly?"
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn chuckles quietly, shaking her head. Â "That depends on whether you have more money than they do." Â She glances over towards the mi'qote as she says this, casting a mirthful wink in her direction.
Antimony Jhanhi 's tail twitches at the very end, furrowing her brow.
Ulanan Ulan: I can't decide if that's what an Ul'dahn would say or what a foreigner would.
Antimony Jhanhi: How would one even know without... no, that's too confusing!
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn raises a finger, grinning over at the two. Â "That's the question, isn't it? Â Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn, by the way."
Ulanan Ulan: Our pockets are not prosperous with possesions, yet you approached these penurious people. So you are not Ul'dahn nor interested in our gil. Please, have a seat. Not that I have anything against Ul'dahns...
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn smiles and slips into the open seat that was just vacated by the apparently fake person.
Antimony Jhanhi blinks at Ulanan, seems to think over the lalafell's words for several seconds before remembering the roegadyn had introduced herself. Ears swooping back, she bows her head slightly. "A pleasure to meet you."
Ulanan Ulan slides a piece of bread covered in olive slices to both women.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn flashes a toothy, though friendly, grin towards the mi'qote. Â "The pleasure is mine." Â Suddenly, a piece of bread appears in front of her and her grin widens. Â "I stand corrected, now the pleasure is mine."
Ulanan Ulan: Three women sharing a table. In high society, this means 'gossip'.
Ulanan Ulan smiles.
Antimony Jhanhi: What?
Ulanan Ulan: What?
Antimony Jhanhi blinks at Ulanan.
Ulanan Ulan: Gossips. Rumors. Getting your nose where it doesn't belong. It's almost a sport for the nobles!
Antimony Jhanhi: That... well. You're full of strange references today, it seems.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn quirks a brow as she looks over at the Lalafell. Â "Gossip, huh? Â Well, you guessed correctly in that I'm not from around here. Â As a result, I'm not exactly familiar with current gossip."
Antimony Jhanhi looks to Aiswyda with some understanding.
Ulanan Ulan: That's too bad. What brings you here, then?Â
Antimony Jhanhi: Ah in that, we are alike! What... well, what brings you to this city?
Antimony Jhanhi: ((Damn you, ninja Ulanan!))
Ulanan Ulan: ((Our timing is perfect))
Antimony Jhanhi: ((Always the best.))
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn looks between the two of them, asking the same thing nearly simultaneously. Â A quiet chuckle escapes her lips before she replies. Â "Well, where better to come to learn to make clothing? Â I thought I'd try my hand at weaving. Â How about yourselves? Â What brings you to Ul'dah?"
Antimony Jhanhi: Where better? I'm not sure I follow...
Ulanan Ulan: The Weavers Guild is located in Ul'dah.
Ulanan Ulan takes a bite from one of the bread slices scattered in front of her.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn: Exactly. Â There's no place better to learn to weave than the Weaver's Guild.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn follows the Lalafell's example and takes a bite of another slice of bread.
Antimony Jhanhi lifts both brows. "Oh!" A pause, and then a grimace. "Oh. Well. I suppose there are still holes in my understanding of Ul'dah's economy..."
Antimony Jhanhi smiles Aiswyda's way. "In that case, I don't doubt you're in the right place."
Ulanan Ulan: Why weaving?
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn returns the smile, giving her a small nod at the same time. Â She then turns towards the Lalafell. Â "Everyone needs clothing, from the richest noble to the poorest commoner. Â I figured it couldn't hurt to try to get in on that niche. Â I need clothing too, so it has a practical purpose too."
Ulanan Ulan tilts her head.
Ulanan Ulan: That can't be all. You also need food, yet you did not decide to become a farmer.
Antimony Jhanhi: That's very industrious of you.
Antimony Jhanhi blinks at Ulanan.
Antimony Jhanhi: We can't all do everything!
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn shrugs. Â "Well, sure, I could have become a farmer. Â But that requires land that I don't have."
Antimony Jhanhi nods as though Aiswyda had said the most reasonable thing ever, of all time. Which she quite possibly did!
Ulanan Ulan: Don't focus so much on the specific example. The point is that you picked weaving over other activities that also fulfill your criteria for choosing weaving.
Ulanan Ulan: So there has to be something else.
Antimony Jhanhi: Everyone plays a part in contributing to the greater function of the whole... economy, city, family... ah.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn grins. Â "Now now, you're asking quite a few questions for someone who hasn't even introduced herself yet. Â What is it that you do, Miss Lalafell?"
Ulanan Ulan: I let Oschon lead my feet forward to any little location favorable to him. Also, I'm Ulanan.
Antimony Jhanhi 's ears twitch up and down. "Oh, of course! I'm sorry, it's very presumptuous of us. My name is Antimony Jhanhi, and this is..." she trails off, shakes her head. "No, no, you didn't even ask me. I'm getting so far ahead of myself."
Eireen Allester couldn't help but chuckle as she listened to the Miqo'te across the room.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn lets out a laugh at Antimony's introduction. Â "Pleasure to meet you, don't worry about the apology." Â She turns her gaze back to Ulanan. Â "So, why don't you choose your own destination? Â There must be a reason. Â After all, if you entrust everything to another, even a diety, that certainly speaks about the person... But I digress. Â Why don't you choose your own destinations?"
Ulanan Ulan: Introductions are never out of place.
Antimony Jhanhi: I sometimes think Ulanan likes questions more than answers.
Antimony Jhanhi blinks, and her ears shift back. "Ah, that is... it might be why she wanders."
Ulanan Ulan: Seldomly, I do. Oschon favors the feet with an objective. But who am I to oppose a god, if he sends me somewhere else?
Antimony Jhanhi wrinkles her nose very briefly.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn smirks ever so slightly. Â "Surely he doesn't constantly tell you where you have to go. Â I know Llymlaen doesn't take an active interest in my daily activities."
Antimony Jhanhi: I would be surprised if they took an active interest in any.
Antimony Jhanhi 's tail whacks against her chair suddenly, as though surprised at her own words.
Ulanan Ulan: That's what you might think. If you are hoping for any of the Twelve to send you a letter with instructions, you will be quite depressed.
Ulanan Ulan raises a brow to Antimony. A dissaproving raise, one might say.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn leans back in her chair, casting a glance between the two. Â "I can't deign to guess at a god's motives for doing what they do or don't do. Â That being said, the point I was trying to make... is we all have reasons for what we do, but it's not always a specific thing that made us decide on something. Â I decided on weaving because it's practical for daily life. Â As I said, I need clothing. Â I could have become an armorer, but I don't wear armor. Â I could have become a chef, but... I don't enjoy cooking."
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn.
Ulanan Ulan: That's an specific thing. You like weaving.
Antimony Jhanhi purses her lips at a thought and then seems to forcibly brighten. "It's reason enough, to do what one enjoys."
Ulanan Ulan nods to you.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn smiles slightly. Â "I suppose I do. Â I don't need any motivation beyond the fact that I find it enjoyable. Â That being said, there still wasn't any specific moment where I suddenly decided to become a weaver. Â It's just a desire of mine, one that's not spurred by external influences."
Ulanan Ulan: The simplest reasons are often the best.
Antimony Jhanhi nods after a moment, features softening.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn lets out a quiet sigh, she didn't mean to give a small speech about it. Â She looks over at Antimony and grins. Â "How about yourself, Antimony? Â What is it that you do?"
Antimony Jhanhi 's brows lift behind her glasses, and her tail swishes against the chair, whacking against one leg.
Antimony Jhanhi: Oh, nothing too interesting. I've my job and... ah, well, I suppose that takes up most of my attention.
Antimony Jhanhi laughs a bit self-deprecatingly.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn gives her a wry smile, evidently debating something internally. Â A moment later she speaks. Â "Well, what's your job, if you don't mind my asking?"
Ulanan Ulan says nothing, focusing on eating another bread slice.
Antimony Jhanhi looks up, thinking something over and then explains with a shrug, "Accounting. I've a new client in Ul'dah, so I'm here on business."
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn nods, raising a finger. Â "Well, that's useful. Â Tell you what, if I become a world renowned weaver, where my clothing is coveted around the world, I'll likely have need of an accountant. Â If I get to that point, I'll keep you in mind." Â She grins widely, evidently in jest.
Ulanan Ulan piles a large number of olive pieces on top of the bread, then proceeds to eat.
You smile at Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn.
Antimony Jhanhi: I don't doubt with an ambition like that, you will succeed. Though... I'm not sure you'd want my employer's attention specifically.
Antimony Jhanhi chuckles a bit wryly.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn shrugs, leaning back in her chair and taking a bite of olive-topped bread. Â "Well, that either makes your employer a competitor or someone a bit..." she trails off before speaking again. Â "I don't even know where I was going with that."
Antimony Jhanhi: Ahah! It's alright. I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about.
Antimony Jhanhi lifts both hands from the folder in her lap in a soothing gesture.
Ulanan Ulan: She's not Ul'dahn so, indeed, there's nothing to worry about!
Antimony Jhanhi tilts her ears at Ulanan. "That's a... comment on Ul'dah's financial state, isn't it?"
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn chuckles, nodding. Â "Besides, who's going to bother with an uninitiated weaver who doesn't even have a shop?" Â She lets out a quiet sigh. Â "But unfortunately, I have to take my leave. Â Things to do, errands to run."
Ulanan Ulan: We understand. It was nice talking with you.
Antimony Jhanhi 's ears twitch, a distracted frown crossing her face.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn nods and smiles to the two. Â "Indeed, perhaps we'll meet again?"
Antimony Jhanhi: That is... oh! Well then.
You smile at Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn.
Antimony Jhanhi: I wish you the very best luck in your... weaving adventure!
Antimony Jhanhi frowns again, ears catching a sob from across the room, but returns her attention to Aiswyda.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn rises from her chair and gives a nod to both Ulanan and Antimony in turn. Â "Have yourselves a nice night."
Ulanan Ulan: May the Navigator lead you to safe shores.
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn.
You bid farewell to Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn smiles at Ulanan. Â "May The Wanderer give you a beautiful place to go next."
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn steps around the chair that she just vacated and makes her way towards the door.
Antimony Jhanhi doesn't say much but wave a pleasant goodbye to the roegadyn.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn casts a quick wave over her shoulder.
Antimony Jhanhi: Well... it's comforting that not all in Ul'dah are...
Ulanan Ulan gets distracted by the scene going on behind her.
Antimony Jhanhi trails off, looking for words.
 Ulanan Ulan looks at Antimony. "Unrefined?" she tries to help her finish the sentence.
K'luha Haaz cried for a time more, not realizing that her loud crying was attracting any attention. She was trying to tell K'ile, trying so hard to tell him what happened. But all she was able to manage out in the end was, "K-k'ailia's g-going to a-abandon us!" She sputtered it out loudly before devolving back into hysterical sobs.
Antimony Jhanhi frowns. "No..." One hand gestures vaguely and then she just shrugs, giving up.
Antimony Jhanhi 's ears twitch, catching on a familiar name.
Ulanan Ulan looks over her shoulder. "Some loud people back there."
Antimony Jhanhi furrows her brow slightly and makes a vague agreeing sound.
Antimony Jhanhi: ... Ah, well! So. Have you looked into seeing your family yet?
Ulanan Ulan: I've met with my parents already. I'll see my sisters later this week.
Antimony Jhanhi 's eyes widen briefly in confusion. "What? Already?" A pause. "I mean, that's wonderful! I'm sure they were... happy to see you?"
Ulanan Ulan: There are some...special considerations. My visits tend to be brief.
Antimony Jhanhi tilts her head slightly to one side. "What do you mean?"
Ulanan Ulan looks down to the last slice of bread, covered in olives. She frowns at it and bites. Then she shrugs at Antimony.
Antimony Jhanhi: ... Oh, forget what I said! I don't mean to pry. Hm...
Ulanan Ulan: It's alright. We don't talk about my considerations nor your tribe. It's a fair deal.
Antimony Jhanhi suddenly realizes Ulanan had given her a slice of bread and olives earlier, but she had yet to touch it. For the first time, she picks it up and takes a very deliberate bite. At Ulanan's words, she pauses before chewing.
Antimony Jhanhi: ... Yes. It is fair.
Antimony Jhanhi sighs and fidgets with the folder in her lap. "In truth, I had intended to visit with my client today. I recall you wanted to join me...?"
Ulanan Ulan: If it is not a nuisance.
K'ailia Yohko steps up to the railing and waves at Ulanan "Hello Antimony an' Ulanan.
Antimony Jhanhi: Oh, it wouldn't. In fact, I'd--ngh.
Antimony Jhanhi flinches at the voice behind her.
Ulanan Ulan waves slightly to K'ailia. She also adds a frown to this gesture.
Antimony Jhanhi does not turn around, though she mutters a faint, "Hello." Her hands tighten against the folder.
K'ailia Yohko: How are ya' two taday?
Ulanan Ulan: We are quite fine. How are you?
K'ailia Yohko: Not so good. My mother hates me, an' I suspect me place in the tribe might be gone.
Antimony Jhanhi 's ears press back against her skull, the lines at the corners of her eyes deepening.
Ulanan Ulan lets out a fairly loud breath out of her nose, staring at K'ailia. "I see. I guess you have tried talking already."
Antimony Jhanhi presses her lips together and practically tears at the folder in her hands before standing suddenly, fast enough that she nearly stumbles over herself.
K'ailia Yohko smiles weakly, "I think though I will need ta find someone soon fer advice, like me ol' teacher. Anyways jes sayin' hi, an gonna be stayin' around Milvaneth Sacrarium fer a while.
Antimony Jhanhi speaks without looking back at K'ailia, in a stiff voice, "You shouldn't presume so quickly." A wince. "Ah, but... that is--I need to... go. Yes. I need to be going. Ulanan, if you'll..."
K'ailia Yohko: Alright miss Antimony.
Ulanan Ulan nods to you.
Antimony Jhanhi: Pearl Lane. If you wish to come with me, it's at...
Ulanan Ulan: Yes, go ahead.
K'ailia Yohko bids farewell to you.
Antimony Jhanhi shakes her head, maintaining a death grip on the folder, and moves around Ulanan's chair.
Ulanan Ulan: Wait for me outside, I need to pay the food.
Antimony Jhanhi nods and, for a second, casts a look in K'ailia's direction. Her features are strained, conflicted, and then she looks away.
Antimony Jhanhi exits the Quicksand at a hurried pace.
Antimony Jhanhi leans heavily against the railing outside the Quicksand.
Ulanan Ulan stands to Antimony's side.
Ulanan Ulan: I'm all done. Are we going?
Antimony Jhanhi stares blankly at the stone pillar for several seconds before responding a bit sluggishly, "... Mm? Ah, right... yes."
Ulanan Ulan: Well. Pearl Lane, was it? The Quicksand has a door leading right into it.
Antimony Jhanhi flinches suddenly, an odd look crossing her face, and then hurries towards the stairs with a muttered, "Wouldn't want to be late."
Ulanan Ulan was cutting bread in slices, then cutting olives and placing those slices over the bread in little green piles.
Elan Tyrinar "Please hold your applause to the end.. if you would be so kind."
Elan Tyrinar readies his harp once again, "I will now play you, "Your Song" which was once performed by a minstrel known as Elton John."
Elan Tyrinar finishes his song, you can see his eyes are filled with a sense of joy.
S'rihnn Nunh claps for Elan Tyrinar.
Ulanan Ulan claps for Elan Tyrinar.
Faye Covington quirked one blonde eyebrow at the bard and silently continued sipping her tea. Elan Tyrinar bows.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn claps for Elan Tyrinar.
Ulanan Ulan spares a weird look to the man that is sitting next to her.
Antimony Jhanhi emerges from the hall leading to the inn rooms with just in time to catch the end of a refrain of music. She stands still for a moment, ears twitching, before continuing on into the main room, a folder held to her chest.
S'rihnn Nunh: Errr... sorry, empty seat. Just wanted it for the show.
Antimony Jhanhi: Ah, Ulanan! I'd wondered if you'd gone off to see family already...
Ulanan Ulan: I must say that is quite an acceptable explanation.
Ulanan Ulan turns to look at Antimony. "How are you feeling today?"
Antimony Jhanhi blinks. "Acceptable explanation...?"
S'rihnn Nunh motions to himself.
Ulanan Ulan gesture to S'rihnn.
S'rihnn Nunh: She's talking about her rather unexpected company.
Antimony Jhanhi: ... Ah! Well. Hel...lo.
Ulanan Ulan: Apparently, chairs in the Quicksand spontaneously generate Miqo'tes. Who would have known?
S'rihnn Nunh shrugs.
Antimony Jhanhi 's ears go a bit lopsided.
Ulanan Ulan: Why don't you have a sit?
S'rihnn Nunh: Actually, take mine if you'd like.
Antimony Jhanhi: ... Yes! I mean, no-no, don't stand on my account... oh.
S'rihnn Nunh: It's no problem, really.
S'rihnn Nunh gazes upon you in deep reflection. S'rihnn Nunh: Are you alright? You seem... what's the word...
Antimony Jhanhi wrings the folder in her hand. "I don't want to interrupt any... chatting you may've been doing with..." She pauses, looks a bit flustered and shakes her head.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn runs a hand through her hair as she peers around the room, a bored expression settling in on her face.
Ulanan Ulan: The only conversation we were having was about his sudden appareance. It was a short lived conversation.
Antimony Jhanhi: ... Ahah. Well! I'm fine. Quite alright really. I hope you.. enjoyed your sit?
S'rihnn Nunh pats the back of his head lightly as his ears flick back and forth. "Oh no, not at all! There wasn't really any conversation being had... Just mutual enjoyment of the bard's playing!"
S'rihnn Nunh: I certainly did, thank you. Now before making this any more awkward than it is... I think I'll be taking my leave.
S'rihnn Nunh bows courteously.
Antimony Jhanhi smiles after a perhaps too-long pause. "Alright. Ah... take care!"
Ulanan Ulan: If you think that will be needed. Farewell!
Antimony Jhanhi shakes herself after the miqo'te walks away.
Ulanan Ulan looks at Antimony quietly for a few moments.
Ulanan Ulan: You did not run away from him.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn raises a her glass of wine to her lips and leans back in her chair. Â "Wish the bard would come back. Â A distraction from this boredom would be nice..." she mutters to herself.
Antimony Jhanhi: What? Why... would I do that?
Ulanan Ulan: I guess he wasn't from your tribe. Olives?
Ulanan Ulan offers one slice of bread covered in even smaller olive slices to the Miqo'te.
S'rihnn Nunh chuckles to himself as he rests his hands on the countertop. "Lets see... what to drink.." His ears twitching all about.
Antimony Jhanhi 's tail swishes like the pendulum of a clock behind her. She eyes the bread a second and even reaches out to accept it before processing Ulanan's words fully and practically flinching.
Antimony Jhanhi: Ah. That... I don't know why you'd think such a thing at all.
Ulanan Ulan is distracted momentarily before returning her sight to Antimony.
Ulanan Ulan: I'll explain later.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn drains the last of her wine as she peers around again. Â She sets it down on the table with a quiet clack of glass on wood. Â She straightens up and glances from patron to patron, looking for someone who might be amenable to conversation.
Antimony Jhanhi: ... Later?
Antimony Jhanhi looks a bit distressed by this thought, but moves around behind Ulanan to take the available seat.
Antimony Jhanhi: I think... yes, I'll take some olives..
Ulanan Ulan squints at the man's hat. She says nothing, though, trying to determine if he truly exists or if the chair just spontaneously generated another man.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn settles her gaze on the table across the room and gives a nearly imperceptible nod. Â She trudges across the room to said table, speaking up when she arrives. Â "Don't mean to be a bother, but would it be alright if I joined you?"
Ulanan Ulan: Olives are helpful for the heart and beneficial for the brain!
Ulanan Ulan squints at the Roegadyn. This one is real. "That depends. What do you think of olives?"
Antimony Jhanhi starts, her ears shifting towards the roegadyn in advance of the rest of her head.Â
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn quirks a brow at the unusual question, though it wasn't that unusual, given the speaker was a Lalafell. Â "They're pretty good, especially when you stuff the center with a bit of hot pepper."
Antimony Jhanhi blinks and half smiles, fidgeting her fingers against the edges of hte folder in her lap. "Are all Ul'dahns so friendly?"
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn chuckles quietly, shaking her head. Â "That depends on whether you have more money than they do." Â She glances over towards the mi'qote as she says this, casting a mirthful wink in her direction.
Antimony Jhanhi 's tail twitches at the very end, furrowing her brow.
Ulanan Ulan: I can't decide if that's what an Ul'dahn would say or what a foreigner would.
Antimony Jhanhi: How would one even know without... no, that's too confusing!
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn raises a finger, grinning over at the two. Â "That's the question, isn't it? Â Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn, by the way."
Ulanan Ulan: Our pockets are not prosperous with possesions, yet you approached these penurious people. So you are not Ul'dahn nor interested in our gil. Please, have a seat. Not that I have anything against Ul'dahns...
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn smiles and slips into the open seat that was just vacated by the apparently fake person.
Antimony Jhanhi blinks at Ulanan, seems to think over the lalafell's words for several seconds before remembering the roegadyn had introduced herself. Ears swooping back, she bows her head slightly. "A pleasure to meet you."
Ulanan Ulan slides a piece of bread covered in olive slices to both women.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn flashes a toothy, though friendly, grin towards the mi'qote. Â "The pleasure is mine." Â Suddenly, a piece of bread appears in front of her and her grin widens. Â "I stand corrected, now the pleasure is mine."
Ulanan Ulan: Three women sharing a table. In high society, this means 'gossip'.
Ulanan Ulan smiles.
Antimony Jhanhi: What?
Ulanan Ulan: What?
Antimony Jhanhi blinks at Ulanan.
Ulanan Ulan: Gossips. Rumors. Getting your nose where it doesn't belong. It's almost a sport for the nobles!
Antimony Jhanhi: That... well. You're full of strange references today, it seems.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn quirks a brow as she looks over at the Lalafell. Â "Gossip, huh? Â Well, you guessed correctly in that I'm not from around here. Â As a result, I'm not exactly familiar with current gossip."
Antimony Jhanhi looks to Aiswyda with some understanding.
Ulanan Ulan: That's too bad. What brings you here, then?Â
Antimony Jhanhi: Ah in that, we are alike! What... well, what brings you to this city?
Antimony Jhanhi: ((Damn you, ninja Ulanan!))
Ulanan Ulan: ((Our timing is perfect))
Antimony Jhanhi: ((Always the best.))
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn looks between the two of them, asking the same thing nearly simultaneously. Â A quiet chuckle escapes her lips before she replies. Â "Well, where better to come to learn to make clothing? Â I thought I'd try my hand at weaving. Â How about yourselves? Â What brings you to Ul'dah?"
Antimony Jhanhi: Where better? I'm not sure I follow...
Ulanan Ulan: The Weavers Guild is located in Ul'dah.
Ulanan Ulan takes a bite from one of the bread slices scattered in front of her.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn: Exactly. Â There's no place better to learn to weave than the Weaver's Guild.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn follows the Lalafell's example and takes a bite of another slice of bread.
Antimony Jhanhi lifts both brows. "Oh!" A pause, and then a grimace. "Oh. Well. I suppose there are still holes in my understanding of Ul'dah's economy..."
Antimony Jhanhi smiles Aiswyda's way. "In that case, I don't doubt you're in the right place."
Ulanan Ulan: Why weaving?
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn returns the smile, giving her a small nod at the same time. Â She then turns towards the Lalafell. Â "Everyone needs clothing, from the richest noble to the poorest commoner. Â I figured it couldn't hurt to try to get in on that niche. Â I need clothing too, so it has a practical purpose too."
Ulanan Ulan tilts her head.
Ulanan Ulan: That can't be all. You also need food, yet you did not decide to become a farmer.
Antimony Jhanhi: That's very industrious of you.
Antimony Jhanhi blinks at Ulanan.
Antimony Jhanhi: We can't all do everything!
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn shrugs. Â "Well, sure, I could have become a farmer. Â But that requires land that I don't have."
Antimony Jhanhi nods as though Aiswyda had said the most reasonable thing ever, of all time. Which she quite possibly did!
Ulanan Ulan: Don't focus so much on the specific example. The point is that you picked weaving over other activities that also fulfill your criteria for choosing weaving.
Ulanan Ulan: So there has to be something else.
Antimony Jhanhi: Everyone plays a part in contributing to the greater function of the whole... economy, city, family... ah.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn grins. Â "Now now, you're asking quite a few questions for someone who hasn't even introduced herself yet. Â What is it that you do, Miss Lalafell?"
Ulanan Ulan: I let Oschon lead my feet forward to any little location favorable to him. Also, I'm Ulanan.
Antimony Jhanhi 's ears twitch up and down. "Oh, of course! I'm sorry, it's very presumptuous of us. My name is Antimony Jhanhi, and this is..." she trails off, shakes her head. "No, no, you didn't even ask me. I'm getting so far ahead of myself."
Eireen Allester couldn't help but chuckle as she listened to the Miqo'te across the room.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn lets out a laugh at Antimony's introduction. Â "Pleasure to meet you, don't worry about the apology." Â She turns her gaze back to Ulanan. Â "So, why don't you choose your own destination? Â There must be a reason. Â After all, if you entrust everything to another, even a diety, that certainly speaks about the person... But I digress. Â Why don't you choose your own destinations?"
Ulanan Ulan: Introductions are never out of place.
Antimony Jhanhi: I sometimes think Ulanan likes questions more than answers.
Antimony Jhanhi blinks, and her ears shift back. "Ah, that is... it might be why she wanders."
Ulanan Ulan: Seldomly, I do. Oschon favors the feet with an objective. But who am I to oppose a god, if he sends me somewhere else?
Antimony Jhanhi wrinkles her nose very briefly.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn smirks ever so slightly. Â "Surely he doesn't constantly tell you where you have to go. Â I know Llymlaen doesn't take an active interest in my daily activities."
Antimony Jhanhi: I would be surprised if they took an active interest in any.
Antimony Jhanhi 's tail whacks against her chair suddenly, as though surprised at her own words.
Ulanan Ulan: That's what you might think. If you are hoping for any of the Twelve to send you a letter with instructions, you will be quite depressed.
Ulanan Ulan raises a brow to Antimony. A dissaproving raise, one might say.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn leans back in her chair, casting a glance between the two. Â "I can't deign to guess at a god's motives for doing what they do or don't do. Â That being said, the point I was trying to make... is we all have reasons for what we do, but it's not always a specific thing that made us decide on something. Â I decided on weaving because it's practical for daily life. Â As I said, I need clothing. Â I could have become an armorer, but I don't wear armor. Â I could have become a chef, but... I don't enjoy cooking."
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn.
Ulanan Ulan: That's an specific thing. You like weaving.
Antimony Jhanhi purses her lips at a thought and then seems to forcibly brighten. "It's reason enough, to do what one enjoys."
Ulanan Ulan nods to you.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn smiles slightly. Â "I suppose I do. Â I don't need any motivation beyond the fact that I find it enjoyable. Â That being said, there still wasn't any specific moment where I suddenly decided to become a weaver. Â It's just a desire of mine, one that's not spurred by external influences."
Ulanan Ulan: The simplest reasons are often the best.
Antimony Jhanhi nods after a moment, features softening.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn lets out a quiet sigh, she didn't mean to give a small speech about it. Â She looks over at Antimony and grins. Â "How about yourself, Antimony? Â What is it that you do?"
Antimony Jhanhi 's brows lift behind her glasses, and her tail swishes against the chair, whacking against one leg.
Antimony Jhanhi: Oh, nothing too interesting. I've my job and... ah, well, I suppose that takes up most of my attention.
Antimony Jhanhi laughs a bit self-deprecatingly.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn gives her a wry smile, evidently debating something internally. Â A moment later she speaks. Â "Well, what's your job, if you don't mind my asking?"
Ulanan Ulan says nothing, focusing on eating another bread slice.
Antimony Jhanhi looks up, thinking something over and then explains with a shrug, "Accounting. I've a new client in Ul'dah, so I'm here on business."
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn nods, raising a finger. Â "Well, that's useful. Â Tell you what, if I become a world renowned weaver, where my clothing is coveted around the world, I'll likely have need of an accountant. Â If I get to that point, I'll keep you in mind." Â She grins widely, evidently in jest.
Ulanan Ulan piles a large number of olive pieces on top of the bread, then proceeds to eat.
You smile at Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn.
Antimony Jhanhi: I don't doubt with an ambition like that, you will succeed. Though... I'm not sure you'd want my employer's attention specifically.
Antimony Jhanhi chuckles a bit wryly.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn shrugs, leaning back in her chair and taking a bite of olive-topped bread. Â "Well, that either makes your employer a competitor or someone a bit..." she trails off before speaking again. Â "I don't even know where I was going with that."
Antimony Jhanhi: Ahah! It's alright. I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about.
Antimony Jhanhi lifts both hands from the folder in her lap in a soothing gesture.
Ulanan Ulan: She's not Ul'dahn so, indeed, there's nothing to worry about!
Antimony Jhanhi tilts her ears at Ulanan. "That's a... comment on Ul'dah's financial state, isn't it?"
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn chuckles, nodding. Â "Besides, who's going to bother with an uninitiated weaver who doesn't even have a shop?" Â She lets out a quiet sigh. Â "But unfortunately, I have to take my leave. Â Things to do, errands to run."
Ulanan Ulan: We understand. It was nice talking with you.
Antimony Jhanhi 's ears twitch, a distracted frown crossing her face.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn nods and smiles to the two. Â "Indeed, perhaps we'll meet again?"
Antimony Jhanhi: That is... oh! Well then.
You smile at Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn.
Antimony Jhanhi: I wish you the very best luck in your... weaving adventure!
Antimony Jhanhi frowns again, ears catching a sob from across the room, but returns her attention to Aiswyda.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn rises from her chair and gives a nod to both Ulanan and Antimony in turn. Â "Have yourselves a nice night."
Ulanan Ulan: May the Navigator lead you to safe shores.
Ulanan Ulan smiles at Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn.
You bid farewell to Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn smiles at Ulanan. Â "May The Wanderer give you a beautiful place to go next."
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn steps around the chair that she just vacated and makes her way towards the door.
Antimony Jhanhi doesn't say much but wave a pleasant goodbye to the roegadyn.
Aiswyda Hezzfyrwyn casts a quick wave over her shoulder.
Antimony Jhanhi: Well... it's comforting that not all in Ul'dah are...
Ulanan Ulan gets distracted by the scene going on behind her.
Antimony Jhanhi trails off, looking for words.
 Ulanan Ulan looks at Antimony. "Unrefined?" she tries to help her finish the sentence.
K'luha Haaz cried for a time more, not realizing that her loud crying was attracting any attention. She was trying to tell K'ile, trying so hard to tell him what happened. But all she was able to manage out in the end was, "K-k'ailia's g-going to a-abandon us!" She sputtered it out loudly before devolving back into hysterical sobs.
Antimony Jhanhi frowns. "No..." One hand gestures vaguely and then she just shrugs, giving up.
Antimony Jhanhi 's ears twitch, catching on a familiar name.
Ulanan Ulan looks over her shoulder. "Some loud people back there."
Antimony Jhanhi furrows her brow slightly and makes a vague agreeing sound.
Antimony Jhanhi: ... Ah, well! So. Have you looked into seeing your family yet?
Ulanan Ulan: I've met with my parents already. I'll see my sisters later this week.
Antimony Jhanhi 's eyes widen briefly in confusion. "What? Already?" A pause. "I mean, that's wonderful! I'm sure they were... happy to see you?"
Ulanan Ulan: There are some...special considerations. My visits tend to be brief.
Antimony Jhanhi tilts her head slightly to one side. "What do you mean?"
Ulanan Ulan looks down to the last slice of bread, covered in olives. She frowns at it and bites. Then she shrugs at Antimony.
Antimony Jhanhi: ... Oh, forget what I said! I don't mean to pry. Hm...
Ulanan Ulan: It's alright. We don't talk about my considerations nor your tribe. It's a fair deal.
Antimony Jhanhi suddenly realizes Ulanan had given her a slice of bread and olives earlier, but she had yet to touch it. For the first time, she picks it up and takes a very deliberate bite. At Ulanan's words, she pauses before chewing.
Antimony Jhanhi: ... Yes. It is fair.
Antimony Jhanhi sighs and fidgets with the folder in her lap. "In truth, I had intended to visit with my client today. I recall you wanted to join me...?"
Ulanan Ulan: If it is not a nuisance.
K'ailia Yohko steps up to the railing and waves at Ulanan "Hello Antimony an' Ulanan.
Antimony Jhanhi: Oh, it wouldn't. In fact, I'd--ngh.
Antimony Jhanhi flinches at the voice behind her.
Ulanan Ulan waves slightly to K'ailia. She also adds a frown to this gesture.
Antimony Jhanhi does not turn around, though she mutters a faint, "Hello." Her hands tighten against the folder.
K'ailia Yohko: How are ya' two taday?
Ulanan Ulan: We are quite fine. How are you?
K'ailia Yohko: Not so good. My mother hates me, an' I suspect me place in the tribe might be gone.
Antimony Jhanhi 's ears press back against her skull, the lines at the corners of her eyes deepening.
Ulanan Ulan lets out a fairly loud breath out of her nose, staring at K'ailia. "I see. I guess you have tried talking already."
Antimony Jhanhi presses her lips together and practically tears at the folder in her hands before standing suddenly, fast enough that she nearly stumbles over herself.
K'ailia Yohko smiles weakly, "I think though I will need ta find someone soon fer advice, like me ol' teacher. Anyways jes sayin' hi, an gonna be stayin' around Milvaneth Sacrarium fer a while.
Antimony Jhanhi speaks without looking back at K'ailia, in a stiff voice, "You shouldn't presume so quickly." A wince. "Ah, but... that is--I need to... go. Yes. I need to be going. Ulanan, if you'll..."
K'ailia Yohko: Alright miss Antimony.
Ulanan Ulan nods to you.
Antimony Jhanhi: Pearl Lane. If you wish to come with me, it's at...
Ulanan Ulan: Yes, go ahead.
K'ailia Yohko bids farewell to you.
Antimony Jhanhi shakes her head, maintaining a death grip on the folder, and moves around Ulanan's chair.
Ulanan Ulan: Wait for me outside, I need to pay the food.
Antimony Jhanhi nods and, for a second, casts a look in K'ailia's direction. Her features are strained, conflicted, and then she looks away.
Antimony Jhanhi exits the Quicksand at a hurried pace.
Antimony Jhanhi leans heavily against the railing outside the Quicksand.
Ulanan Ulan stands to Antimony's side.
Ulanan Ulan: I'm all done. Are we going?
Antimony Jhanhi stares blankly at the stone pillar for several seconds before responding a bit sluggishly, "... Mm? Ah, right... yes."
Ulanan Ulan: Well. Pearl Lane, was it? The Quicksand has a door leading right into it.
Antimony Jhanhi flinches suddenly, an odd look crossing her face, and then hurries towards the stairs with a muttered, "Wouldn't want to be late."
![[Image: AntiThalSig.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/179079766/AntiThalSig.png)
"Song dogs barking at the break of dawn, lightning pushes the edges of a thunderstorm; and these streets, quiet as a sleeping army, send their battered dreams to heaven."
Hipparion Tribe (Sagolii)Â - Â Antimony Jhanhi's Wiki