Miqo'te to me are primarily humans, and not entirely cat-like. Mine do not purr or meow, but they do hiss on occasion (because even humans have an unpleasant shrill exhale they do sometimes). They do not have claws, but they do have thick fingernails, some of which are sharpened. Tails and ears are extremely expressive for my Miqos. I play up their sense of smell in most of my RP as well, and for one of my characters it is his primary sense (he will forget a face, but he'll never forget a scent).
To me, Miqo'te purring is strange. It's such a bizarre expression, and there's a lot of debate as to what cats mean when they purr. I also imagine it would sound really strange in the human diaphragm. I don't judge people whose Miqos purr, though; I just ignore it, as in my headcanon, they do not.
To me, Miqo'te purring is strange. It's such a bizarre expression, and there's a lot of debate as to what cats mean when they purr. I also imagine it would sound really strange in the human diaphragm. I don't judge people whose Miqos purr, though; I just ignore it, as in my headcanon, they do not.