I don't see why RPing miqo'te as catlike has to be comedic/cutesy, really. Cats do more than purr and 'nyaaaa~'. There's a lot of genuine character and drama to be got out it.
I'd also be careful with playing out enhanced senses to make sure you're not accidentally godmoding, depending on the people you're with. The only sense miqo'te have, in lore, that is inherently sharper than those of the other races is smell. While I can see them having sharp eyesight and hearing (especially directional hearing, as someone mentioned in this thread), they're not going to see something a wildwood can't or out-hear a duskwight (assuming identical circumstances for both characters. obviously they'd see better than a blind wildwood) since those races are, in lore, the ones with the sharpest eyesight and hearing respectively.
Sarja, my keeper, is deliberately beastlike - her family have been victims of Gridanians being Gridanians for generations and have chosen to respond with 'if they're going to treat us like beastmen then we're damn well going to act like them'. While she's very intelligent and capable of doing the respectable person act (and often does when it seems advantageous), Sarja has been raised to think of herself as a beast and will act appropriately when left to her own devices. This does include some of the standard cutesy fare - emoting with ears and tail, purring and rolling her rs specifically - but also things like happily eating meat raw, biting and scratching when threatened, using demands and allowances for personal space to establish control, giving gifts of food as a statement of 'look you're a shit hunter and obviously can't take care of yourself' and so on. Frankly if people had laptops in Eorzea she's probably sit on them and refuse to budge until petted.
I'd also be careful with playing out enhanced senses to make sure you're not accidentally godmoding, depending on the people you're with. The only sense miqo'te have, in lore, that is inherently sharper than those of the other races is smell. While I can see them having sharp eyesight and hearing (especially directional hearing, as someone mentioned in this thread), they're not going to see something a wildwood can't or out-hear a duskwight (assuming identical circumstances for both characters. obviously they'd see better than a blind wildwood) since those races are, in lore, the ones with the sharpest eyesight and hearing respectively.
Sarja, my keeper, is deliberately beastlike - her family have been victims of Gridanians being Gridanians for generations and have chosen to respond with 'if they're going to treat us like beastmen then we're damn well going to act like them'. While she's very intelligent and capable of doing the respectable person act (and often does when it seems advantageous), Sarja has been raised to think of herself as a beast and will act appropriately when left to her own devices. This does include some of the standard cutesy fare - emoting with ears and tail, purring and rolling her rs specifically - but also things like happily eating meat raw, biting and scratching when threatened, using demands and allowances for personal space to establish control, giving gifts of food as a statement of 'look you're a shit hunter and obviously can't take care of yourself' and so on. Frankly if people had laptops in Eorzea she's probably sit on them and refuse to budge until petted.