(01-12-2014, 07:14 PM)Tefh Wrote: Hello! First time posting on these forums. First thread I've looked at here too, come to think of it. I normally don't do much forum-ing, you see, but a friend of mine linked me this. I'm actually a daisy and it's very hard to type with roots and leaves. Sometimes I just smash my petals on the keyboard.
How cat-like is my Miqo'te? Not at all. She is, however, alarmingly wolfish.
I RP my character in a way that, if I sum it up here, I'm sure many people will cringe. And scoff. And wrinkle their noses. "What a scrub!" You may say. "Noob. I'll never RP with her." BUT WAIT, WHAT'S THIIIIIIS IN MY HAT?
Haha, kidding, daisies don't wear hats. I did, however, pull up a slip of paper from my sleeve with a reminder written on it. Daisies have bad memories, you see. I left myself a note to remind myself before finishing this post that not ONCE in all the months I've been playing this game as Tefh has anyone OOCly given me a bit of flack for how I RP my character. I RP with strangers a lot, often I approach them myself. One of the benefits of being a daisy and not a violet; they never approach people. Not that I'm racist or anything against violets.
Tefh wags her tail when happy. She barks when alarmed sometimes, yips when in extreme physical pain. Her ears often show more of what's going on in her head than her facial expressions, which are were often blank. Now, she's been getting better over time at showing her emotions the way most people do, but she still has so very, very many habits that a person ought not to probably have. Does it make the character silly? Only when I want it to. In a time where I'm with my friends and feel like lightening the mood, I may describe what she's doing in a manner that earns some chuckles OOCly.
But it's entirely possible to have a character be "feral" in this manner and quite serious. The trick is this: putting a lot of thought into why the character is how they are. Tefh's upbringing is what made her who she is, and it is through her interactions with the community that she's begun to change and lessen the severity of her wolfish habits. Body language, facial expressions, these are things we pick up on like any spoken language. It's a means of communicating. As she socializes more with normal people, she is replacing her habits and adapting to the 'new' body language so that others can better understand her.
Despite how sensitive I am to negative feedback (daisies are not known for being sturdy), I have a strange obsession with RPing characters who embody aspects that others tend to automatically hate, with the intention of showing others that not all ideas are as bad as they seem. 'Feral' Miqo'te, for example. I've met a lot of people who dislike it heavily OOCly, but not once have I heard them complain about -my- character's habits, and they even continue to seek RP with me. I guess it's a 'how you do it' thing. I'm told I pull it off thoughtfully.
Wrapping up this longer-than-I-planned-on post, if you do happen to come across someone who is ICly a bit more...animalistic than you think is reasonable, consider this: what backstory could they have that might have given this result? Not every RPer stepping out of the box is doing so blindly, and perhaps they're not actually passing the barrier of lore at all. It's up to each person who they'd like to RP with and who they'd rather not, of course, but maybe withhold judgement on someone until you get a better eye for why they're doing what they do.
(re-stating, I am not racist against violets. sorry to any violets reading this but you guys are so shy omg)
<3 Tefh. Very well said!