To me the amount of "cat-like" behaviour depends on the character. Otte for example acts, or tries to act, more like a Huyr with ears and a tail, since he's spent a while in Limsa and wanted to fit in. The only thing he can't control is his ears and tail, so they still show off his mood quite easily, for example his tail twitching when annoyed, and bristling up when really angry. And he likes to use his nose a lot, sniffing the air when in new places and all that.
His brother on the other hand purrs, growls, rubs against people, and is more expressive through body language rather than words. He's a tribal Miqo'te through and through, so I figured he would act more "feral".
His brother on the other hand purrs, growls, rubs against people, and is more expressive through body language rather than words. He's a tribal Miqo'te through and through, so I figured he would act more "feral".