(01-19-2014, 01:02 AM)Naunet Wrote:Animals sharing a body plan and dietary choices does not make them the same species. Dolphins, sharks, and icthyosaurs all are/were piscavores and shared remarkably similar body plans, but are disparate species to an extreme degree.(01-18-2014, 11:42 PM)ansemaru Wrote: There's no viable interbreeding, and enough physiological differences for them to have separated enough as to be different species.
You can't say there's no viable interbreeding when Squee has actively said half-breeds happen. And actually, there may be more evidence for physiological similarities across the different races than differences, at least that we can tell - and what we can tell is extremely limited. They all eat and drink the same things; they all share the same body plan; with the exception of Keepers, they're all diurnal.
And IIRC, Square didn't say crossbreeds happen, there was a poll of fans asking whether they'd be interested in crossbreeds occurring in-universe.