(01-19-2014, 03:00 AM)ansemaru Wrote: Not going to lie, it's a massive pet peeve of mine. Unless it's directly stated in lore, a bunch of sentient species don't just pop out of the aether fully formed, and as long as they have DNA, they still ought to be beholden to at least some version of how genetics and evolution work.
God, I wish I didn't love fantasy so much. In my heart of hearts I want things to operate like science fiction. But fantasy tropes and design. Ugh.
Great fantasy readers write magic that reads as solid as science. This is why I like to establish detailed headcanons. Back in TERA I literally charted the mana-flows in a healthy body so that I know exactly what my priest was doing when he healed someone and could explain how and why it worked.
Anyway, even saying "magic could have happened" does not preclude the Common Ancestor Hypothesis. Padjal are created by magic, but we all know that they are descended from Gridanians. I'm not saying that the evolutionary paths of all the races is completely legit and natural. It actually seems unlikely to me that they are. I would guess that at some point Miqo'te were magically altered, either by design or by accident, to have animal features. There's no lore on that, though, so it falls into a massive gray area that is better debated in-character than in a forum like this (assuming any of you, like me, enjoy IC anthropology debates lol).