Having failed to reconcile the argument with her older sister, K'tahjha was very out of sorts, moping around camp and feeling sorry for herself. She found herself thinking how much simpler her life had been in Gridania, Â where all she really had to do was help treat skinned knees and stop arguments between the other kids. Suddenly, she thought, Other kids! K'mih tried to help me with K'nahli and she probably feels kinda lousy too.Â
Feeling badly that she was thinking of her self and not her sister, Tahj wondered what she could do to cheer her up. A smile crossed her face as she thought of the pearl she carried on her at all times, and she headed through the camp to find K'mih.
Feeling badly that she was thinking of her self and not her sister, Tahj wondered what she could do to cheer her up. A smile crossed her face as she thought of the pearl she carried on her at all times, and she headed through the camp to find K'mih.