Free Company Rules
1. Be Excellent To Each Other.
Shamelessly borrowed/stolen from the RPC, I admit it, but its a damn good rule. Often times guild drama is a thing and it grows from not liking someone or giving them the cold shoulder, or just being an out and out ass to them. So the rule here is be nice. You wanna fight with another member? Take it to party/tells, we don't want that here. If you have a problem with someone, talk to them, or to me. All reports to me are considered confidential. If you can't fix it, and I can't fix it, I will determine who is in the wrong and deal with it accordingly.
2. You Must Be 18 Years Old IRL To Join
This one is very cut and dry. There are a lot of laws out there that can burn people. I have kids and count them as good laws, but I am not going to jail because two of my members are ERPing and oh man, one's underage irl. Nope.... want no part of that. So since joining now requires the very little application below, I can head this off easy. By filling out the app, you will post a yes or no in the two slots, "Did you read the rules?" and "Are you 18 years of age or older?" Typing yes to both lets me off the hook if your lying. If I ever find out you are lying, I have to perma-boot you or I'm complacent. If you lied to get in and have since crossed the 18-line and I find out I'll boot you because nothing I hate more then being a sneak. It gets blue in that chat sometimes guys, not for the kids. As a side note, even if you are over 18 irl, if you play an underage character, you will have to keep it cleaner then you otherwise would. Acting out "adult" things as an underage character, even if you are not irl, can count as a crime in some places. So be advised.
3. No Godmoding, Power Playing And/Or Lore Breaking
So this one is a tricky one. For a long time we had no such rules regarding this, but as time marches on I feel its become an issue enough for me to set a guideline here. Now there is a really good guide that covers this topic and more HERE. That is not the end all and be all sure, but it gives a good outline of what not to do. Now everyone bends the lore now and then, you have to to make things interesting. But there is a big difference between "I have second sight" and "I have the ECHOOOOOOO!!!! PRAISE ME!!!!!!" If its off the path a bit its fine, just be able to explain it in a way that makes sense. People RPing as the main character of the MSQ need not apply.
4. Keeping A Good Public Reputation
I don't mean here that if some rpers dislike your style then you're out. But in the past we have had characters that were shall we say.... disruptive. RPers live and die by our rep, if we or those we hang out with are assholes/racist/mean spirited/combative, the RP dries up and no one will play RP or content with you. So I have to step in and make this rule. When you are a RW, you have that "RWing" over your head, you represent the FC and need to act in a way that doesn't look bad on us. And if you are any of those things or something just as bad or worse that I cannot think of at the moment, then you not only hurt yourself, but you run the risk of ruining the reputation of the FC as a whole. Its a very short jump from "he's a jerk" to "they are jerks". So for the sake of the FC I will enforce this rule. And even if it isn't expressly written here, I retain the right to call an unbecoming action what it is and take action.
*FC Leader Reserves The Right To Add Rules As Needed