The boy's explanation made sense in K'mih's head. Like her father, K'ile didn't seem fond of strangers either. Being harsh to them wasn't a surprising behaviour in the Tia, especially when a member of his own tribe was in danger. It was something else what truly caught the girl's attention.
"Then... you were searching for us? Why?"
Her eyes remained curious, her tone innocent. At least it was clear that, so far, this female in particular didn't come with hostility. She looked at him with almost unblinking eyes, perhaps expecting to hear a story about how he was actually her long lost brother, like her sister K'tahjha. Ah, but he was a Moonkeeper, wasn't he? There was no way he could be her brother...
"Then... you were searching for us? Why?"
Her eyes remained curious, her tone innocent. At least it was clear that, so far, this female in particular didn't come with hostility. She looked at him with almost unblinking eyes, perhaps expecting to hear a story about how he was actually her long lost brother, like her sister K'tahjha. Ah, but he was a Moonkeeper, wasn't he? There was no way he could be her brother...
Clover Blake (Hyur) /Â K'mih Yohko (Miqo'te)