"Sorry," K'ile's ears dipped at the woman, K'thalen's daughter. She looked so like him that she was almost difficult to look at. "I'm in a rush to get things done so we can get this over with and leave soon. There haven't been enough dances or feasts or rituals these past years. We can be sparing on the food, some of it, but the tribe needs this feast, especially if we're going to be leaving soon. We owe Azeyma some respect, and it's better to travel on a full stomach anyway, right?"
The Tia started walking. Not toward the medical tent, but instead towards where K'zhuzhu's supposed son and K'yohko's daughters were speaking. "I want to go fetch K'mih. I'll need her help to get K'tahjha to agree, anyway."
The Tia started walking. Not toward the medical tent, but instead towards where K'zhuzhu's supposed son and K'yohko's daughters were speaking. "I want to go fetch K'mih. I'll need her help to get K'tahjha to agree, anyway."