K'mih's lips parted slightly, her smile gone for good. Has she hurt K'tahjha that much? Would her sister start relating her to something scary and hateful? Perhaps she might not even want to attend the feast, knowing there'd be fire in it. Even after hearing that K'tahjha was afraid, K'mih didn't imagine her phobia would be this strong.
Guilty bicolour eyes moved to the ground again. The girl offered her sister a respectful bow, before she started walking away, dejected. She still had to dance and shouldn't think much. She had to dance for father.
Guilty bicolour eyes moved to the ground again. The girl offered her sister a respectful bow, before she started walking away, dejected. She still had to dance and shouldn't think much. She had to dance for father.
Clover Blake (Hyur) /Â K'mih Yohko (Miqo'te)