The child was in awe. The small fireworks lit up in the young boy's eyes a dozen feet above his head as he held his mother's hand. They were refugees and they lived in squalor outside Ul'dah with so many others. They were not used to such displays. But the two men with the fireworks were entertaining them and making the child forget the fact that his stomach growled.Â
The two men and their fireworks said that they had been hired by a kind stranger to perform their trade for them with a small show for free, the stranger having already covered the cost. The only request the stranger had asked is that a special firework be ignited in the middle of the show. It just had.
Aall those gathered to watch examined the special firework as it rested on the ground as others went off around it. The fuse slowly burned down. The boy looked excitedly. He was the only child this close to the fireworks, and he was going to tell all his friends how amazing it had been. The fuse burned down and the boy was excited as the red and blues danced around him is it went off. It was beautiful. Everyone applauded but several onlookers, a large number actually the boy suddenly realized, we holding necks and hands and arms as if they had just been stung by a nasty insect. Small drops of blood welled up on some as if they had been pricked by needles and both the men setting off fire works stopped moving for a moment, each holding a different spot on their body. The boy looked at his mother, and she looked around nervously as more and more people began holding parts of their body. The fireworks stopped. And then the screaming started.
Almost in unison, men and women collapsed onto the ground. Those unaffected stepped back and the mother wrapped her boy in her arms and pulled him away as the boy's eyes widen in terror as several people began foaming at the mouth and coughing blood as their bodies writhed in pain. The two men who had been setting off the fireworks also collapsed.Â
A figure in green robes and a large hood stepped forward, a white cloth covering the face as it knelt down, examining the one of the victims. A blue light glowed in the figure's hand, as it appeared he was casting a cure spell. There was silence save for the screams of the afflicted.Â
"Everyone stay back!" the green robed figure shouted suddenly, a brown tail wrapping itself around the figure's waist. The miqo'te in green rose to it's feet quickly and back peddled away from the victim it had been studying. "The people are infected with disease! Summon the Flames. This whole area could be infected!"
Several victims coughed, spraying blood onto the desert sands, steaks of cyan mixed in with the deep crimson. The mother held her son and looked at the figure in green as it stared down at the writhing figures.
"How can you be sure?" she screamed in panic.
"You can trust me." the "doctor" answered from behind it's white clothe and large hood that shadowed its face. "I am a doctor. These people have the "Blue Blood" disease. Keep away and get the Flames, these bodies must be burned least it spread!"
A ripple of fearful whispering rolled over those who had heard, thought other wailed as they knelt by loved ones.Â
"Help them, doctor!" the mother screamed as she clutched her boy. The "doctor" shook it's cowled head and spun in a booted heel.
"There is no cure for the disease."Â the doctor began walking off, the wind tugging violently at the green robes it wore.
"There is an antidote, however." the "doctor" mused as the the "doctor" headed towards the Gate of Nald. The test was conclusive, the poison was weaponizeable, and the panic had been sown. A fake disease, terrified refugees, and soon the Flames to help fuel the fires of confusion. Rema's plan was brilliant and it was just beginning. And the doctor's part to play was far from over.
The two men and their fireworks said that they had been hired by a kind stranger to perform their trade for them with a small show for free, the stranger having already covered the cost. The only request the stranger had asked is that a special firework be ignited in the middle of the show. It just had.
Aall those gathered to watch examined the special firework as it rested on the ground as others went off around it. The fuse slowly burned down. The boy looked excitedly. He was the only child this close to the fireworks, and he was going to tell all his friends how amazing it had been. The fuse burned down and the boy was excited as the red and blues danced around him is it went off. It was beautiful. Everyone applauded but several onlookers, a large number actually the boy suddenly realized, we holding necks and hands and arms as if they had just been stung by a nasty insect. Small drops of blood welled up on some as if they had been pricked by needles and both the men setting off fire works stopped moving for a moment, each holding a different spot on their body. The boy looked at his mother, and she looked around nervously as more and more people began holding parts of their body. The fireworks stopped. And then the screaming started.
Almost in unison, men and women collapsed onto the ground. Those unaffected stepped back and the mother wrapped her boy in her arms and pulled him away as the boy's eyes widen in terror as several people began foaming at the mouth and coughing blood as their bodies writhed in pain. The two men who had been setting off the fireworks also collapsed.Â
A figure in green robes and a large hood stepped forward, a white cloth covering the face as it knelt down, examining the one of the victims. A blue light glowed in the figure's hand, as it appeared he was casting a cure spell. There was silence save for the screams of the afflicted.Â
"Everyone stay back!" the green robed figure shouted suddenly, a brown tail wrapping itself around the figure's waist. The miqo'te in green rose to it's feet quickly and back peddled away from the victim it had been studying. "The people are infected with disease! Summon the Flames. This whole area could be infected!"
Several victims coughed, spraying blood onto the desert sands, steaks of cyan mixed in with the deep crimson. The mother held her son and looked at the figure in green as it stared down at the writhing figures.
"How can you be sure?" she screamed in panic.
"You can trust me." the "doctor" answered from behind it's white clothe and large hood that shadowed its face. "I am a doctor. These people have the "Blue Blood" disease. Keep away and get the Flames, these bodies must be burned least it spread!"
A ripple of fearful whispering rolled over those who had heard, thought other wailed as they knelt by loved ones.Â
"Help them, doctor!" the mother screamed as she clutched her boy. The "doctor" shook it's cowled head and spun in a booted heel.
"There is no cure for the disease."Â the doctor began walking off, the wind tugging violently at the green robes it wore.
"There is an antidote, however." the "doctor" mused as the the "doctor" headed towards the Gate of Nald. The test was conclusive, the poison was weaponizeable, and the panic had been sown. A fake disease, terrified refugees, and soon the Flames to help fuel the fires of confusion. Rema's plan was brilliant and it was just beginning. And the doctor's part to play was far from over.