I give it to the member that I feel has earned it, based on a variety of factors, much of which is the same as yours, Eva. I try to be fair to dps, as they get screwed on commendations because everyone automatically favors the tanks and healers, and it's easier togaughe if they are doing exceptionally well, or poorly, plus people are usually just so glad to get in when they -finally- get a tak or healer, they'll give them one automatically. That, coupled with may peple just not caring about the system at all, make it hard for dps.
But here are some good ways to get a commendation from me:
Basically, I can sum it up as "Just be a decent person."
But here are some good ways to get a commendation from me:
- Be helpful and patient with new players. The entire community is not a pool of people that exists just to make sure you get soldiery capped for the week. If you bitch because the new guy messes up or watches a cutscene, you're probably not getting mine.
- Communicate with the group when needed. You don't need to be hyper-social andburp ad moo the whole time (in fact, that will make sure you don't get mine), but at relevant parts, put your blinker on.
- Don't be a dick. This covers so much, I'm not even going to try to explain it.
- Have at least a working knowledge of your class.
- Have gear that is acceptable.
Basically, I can sum it up as "Just be a decent person."
Theodric Gray