K'yohko's ears twitched gently when K'zhumi turned to look at him. She was not well. And he should think not after such large healing ventures. Had he been wrong in his choice? Even K'hai had told him not to jump in so recklessly. Probably though, he had probably been wrong. But even in his wrongness, it did not matter. It was done, and no amount of regret or feelings would change it. Instead, K'yohko moved at Zhumi's whim and sat himself down, his head tilted downward as a sign of humility. His eyes did not dare look towards the outsider, for fear that anger would overtake his senses again.
He lifted his ears faintly and shifted his head ever so slightly to watch K'mih's flittering form slip into the tent. So she had come to help? A dutiful child. His head shifted away again, towards K'hai now. He looked towards his brother distantly, and with a far clearer head could see the rage that consumed K'hai. But he could not truly understand why it consumed the other so. Surely, he hated K'ile for influencing K'ailia to leave. But K'ile did not have the power to force her hand in the end. And in the end, it had been her own decision. When he was not boiling over with rage, it was easier to see how mixed the lines between fault could be. How he had judged an outsider too quickly perhaps, and in doing so could have potentially gotten his brother killed.
Yohko's lips pressed together in a thin line, his turning towards the dark sands again. How much anger had eaten away at their family now? How much had it eaten away at him? Perhaps the poison he saw too easily in his family, came from another source than originally he had thought. The nunh's ears flicked quickly, listening vaguely to the sounds of a loud and angry conversation outside. But surely this anger would not- Yohko frowned further, the look pressing thickly against his face. The sound of those shifting sands was a bad omen.
His eyes shifted wearily from the sands towards K'zhumi.
"I apologize, K'zhumi. I was reckless." K'yohko bowed his head lightly again. There was nothing to be done for those outside. Not yet at least.
He lifted his ears faintly and shifted his head ever so slightly to watch K'mih's flittering form slip into the tent. So she had come to help? A dutiful child. His head shifted away again, towards K'hai now. He looked towards his brother distantly, and with a far clearer head could see the rage that consumed K'hai. But he could not truly understand why it consumed the other so. Surely, he hated K'ile for influencing K'ailia to leave. But K'ile did not have the power to force her hand in the end. And in the end, it had been her own decision. When he was not boiling over with rage, it was easier to see how mixed the lines between fault could be. How he had judged an outsider too quickly perhaps, and in doing so could have potentially gotten his brother killed.
Yohko's lips pressed together in a thin line, his turning towards the dark sands again. How much anger had eaten away at their family now? How much had it eaten away at him? Perhaps the poison he saw too easily in his family, came from another source than originally he had thought. The nunh's ears flicked quickly, listening vaguely to the sounds of a loud and angry conversation outside. But surely this anger would not- Yohko frowned further, the look pressing thickly against his face. The sound of those shifting sands was a bad omen.
His eyes shifted wearily from the sands towards K'zhumi.
"I apologize, K'zhumi. I was reckless." K'yohko bowed his head lightly again. There was nothing to be done for those outside. Not yet at least.