K'lyrhi's ears rose up as she heard a shout behind her. Before she could even begin to pick herself off of K'ile she felt herself plucked up from behind and unceremoniously tossed off of the Tia.
The miqote picked herself back up, still covered in sand and dust, her ears drooping forward a little. Oh she's done screwed up now...
"I'm sorry, but he...he was insulting the Nunh." She tried to explain. Oh Azeyma, she felt like such a toddler again...
"...and going on about how he won't be Nunh much longer." she added, giving K'ile a dirty look, before looking back at K'iara "...I got angry."
K'lyrhi looked distressed when she was told she'd be brought in front of the elders, "But Fathe--K'yohko told me to help gather the huntresses, if he hadn't gone and stopped me..." she protests weakly. It seems much of her previous fire had suddenly gone out from her.
The miqote picked herself back up, still covered in sand and dust, her ears drooping forward a little. Oh she's done screwed up now...
"I'm sorry, but he...he was insulting the Nunh." She tried to explain. Oh Azeyma, she felt like such a toddler again...
"...and going on about how he won't be Nunh much longer." she added, giving K'ile a dirty look, before looking back at K'iara "...I got angry."
K'lyrhi looked distressed when she was told she'd be brought in front of the elders, "But Fathe--K'yohko told me to help gather the huntresses, if he hadn't gone and stopped me..." she protests weakly. It seems much of her previous fire had suddenly gone out from her.