(08-20-2013, 02:45 PM)FreelanceWizard Wrote: one of the most "godmode" characters in existence, Superman,
I'd contest that. There are a handful of super heroes who can take Superman in a fight, and plenty of villains have brought him to his knees. Either way, you have a point about the potential for godmode characters to be interesting, but the examples you gave aren't comparable to the average joe. Superman being the last surviving Kryptonian and Dr. Manhattan being a quantum being. Superman being good at everything compared to a Midlander Hyur makes perfect sense, whereas one Midlander being good at everything compared to every other Midlander makes much less sense. In short, if someone RPs a Kryptonian, he's allowed to be better than the rest of us. If someone RPs a Midlander black mage and then tells me he's also better at using spears than my dragoon, I'm going to take issue with it.
I'm a bit guilty of god-moding myself with Eko. He's not either of the miqo'te clans and he grew up on a jungle island not on any of our maps. Because of this harsh environment, he's extremely strong and agile and his instincts and reflexes are nothing short of amazing. However, I try to counter that a little with a lack of ability with magic or technology, and having little grasp on what it means to be civilized.