Oblivious to the fact that the shouting behind him was his doing, little Gran pranced his way up the stairs towards the elevator. Another small crowd had formed at it and the doors had slid open once more to allow them entry. Two Hyur - both Midlanders - and Miqo'te started filing in gruffly, all seemingly in a hurry to get somewhere. The baby behemoth didn't know anything about the wheres and whys of their hurried steps, but he did know an opportunity when he saw one.
Within that box lay the secret of where the last group of people went, and Gran was going to get to the bottom of it. So, the little piglet fell in line behind the Miqo'te and marched proudly behind her into the elevator car. The attendant, apparently quite bored out of his wits at his turn at the helm, just stared boredly ahead and missed the tiny behemoth completely. He only made the smallest of glances over his shoulder to the lightly occupied car before drumming out an indifferent, overly practiced speech.
"Wellhead Lift, headin' down to the Royal Prominade, then the Airship Landing." He turned his gaze back towards the ambling crowds before continuing in an equally un-enthused voice. "Please board now or wait until the next car. Thank you."
He looked as if he'd wait little more than half a beat before shutting the door.
Within that box lay the secret of where the last group of people went, and Gran was going to get to the bottom of it. So, the little piglet fell in line behind the Miqo'te and marched proudly behind her into the elevator car. The attendant, apparently quite bored out of his wits at his turn at the helm, just stared boredly ahead and missed the tiny behemoth completely. He only made the smallest of glances over his shoulder to the lightly occupied car before drumming out an indifferent, overly practiced speech.
"Wellhead Lift, headin' down to the Royal Prominade, then the Airship Landing." He turned his gaze back towards the ambling crowds before continuing in an equally un-enthused voice. "Please board now or wait until the next car. Thank you."
He looked as if he'd wait little more than half a beat before shutting the door.