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Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-03-2014, 11:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2014, 11:34 AM by Elicoidali.)
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RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-03-2014, 03:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2014, 03:27 PM by Gegenji.)
The waiter was suitably startled by the Roegadyn woman's sudden motion, going so far as to seek to protect his soft, unarmored body with a leg and an arm. Not that it would've helped the lad, but instincts are what they are. When he heard bemused commentary rather than whatever sort of tongue-lashing he had been expecting, however, he bashfully returned to a more neutral position. Eyes still cast downward, of course.
"Ah, y-you're welcome," he managed, the glint of light on coin finally drawing his attention to something other than the wood and stone beneath his feet. He gingerly took the proffered gil, as if handling it too roughly might cause it to dissolve away like a clod of dirt betwixt his fingertips. He quickly tucked it away on his person before continuing. "We... we will have the rest of your meal out shortly." As Steel turned her attentions back to her compatriots at the table, the waiter made a swift retreat that was quickly noticed by his superior. While Momodi couldn't see the table itself from her angle, she could see the lad beating feet away from it at a decent clip. Her eyes followed him as she folded her arms over her chest, an eyebrow hiked up in a mild curiosity wrought by the mysterious goings-on at that particular table. Though, she quietly corrected herself, the issue could simply be the boy being his normal, flighty self - it was fairly obvious that he needed more hands-on training if he was going to stick it out here at the Quicksand. She made a mental note to pull him aside again later and try to suss out his problems and, hopefully, get them addressed. For now, though, she had to check on the status of those treats for the supposed baby behemoth situated at the unseen table. A supposed baby behemoth who was currently enjoying the ministrations the Roegadyn woman was giving his scalp and messy nest of black hair. Gran's eyes were still on Avis' hand, but the lashing of his tail had quieted quite a bit in a clear sign of his contentment. There was still the occasional tense twitch every now and then, though, to show he was still less than comfortable at Hyur's closeness. Whether he'd actually do something about it was still up in the air. |
RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-03-2014, 09:46 PM
Avis noted the reappearance and subsequent withdrawal of the young waiter, but her gaze was fixed on the baby behemoth, who was currently regarding her outstretched hand with a rather Ishgardian apprehension. Despite her relative unfamiliarity with reading porcine body language, it was clear to anyone at the table that Avis's presence was not quite appreciated. She sighed and withdrew her hand, leaning back into her chair and folding her arms, offering Pig an arched eyebrow. She knew better, of course, than to force her case.Â
Glancing in the direction of the retreating waiter, she made a mental note to tip him handsomely later - he could use a boost in morale, and she had verbally expressed her intention to empty her money pouch at this table for the party anyway, even if Steel and Miko were ignorant about the state of her finances. She hoped he had beaten a recourse to Momodi. Momodi would know about Pig, even if the rest of her staff - of varying levels of competency - didn't. She hadn't spoken to good old Momodi in a good long time, though, and she wasn't sure if she would be prepared for Momodi's inevitable fussing-over of her. If she decided that the case of Prince Pig and his threatening bodyguards warranted a personal visit to their table, of course. Avis turned to Steel and nodded. "I'm feeling much better, thank you," she said in reply. "I'll be better after a bit of food and rest, though it seems my head can't decide whether it'd like to go to sleep or pound continuously through cursed desert sand." Pressing fingers to her temple briefly, Avis continued, wryly "The real problem here, though, is our relationship - or lack of one." She gestured at the purple creature and spread her hands helplessly. "We had a little... misunderstanding. But in the spirit of... psychological inquiry... I'd love to be able to hold this little one once before we return it to its owner." [sub]Avis Inkwood | Qara Qalli journal/tumblr[/sub] |
RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-04-2014, 10:31 AM
Miko's eyes flew open wide "You had a relationship with the pig?"Â Her previously slowing mind fluttered back to full speed as she tried to save herself from further embarrassment, "Wait, oh my... I'm sorry. I merely meant to ask if you'd met him before. I didn't mean to imply you'd ever do such a thing, you seem like such a nice person, and it would be rather odd if anyone other than another pig had that kind of relationship with... not that I would judge mind you... " she paused and took a deep breath settling herself again. "Let me try this again," she smiled apologetically and slowed her speech so not to ramble "Do you know this pig? What sort of misunderstanding could you have had? He seems a reasonable sort."
RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-04-2014, 01:33 PM
Steel blinked rapidly at Miko's stream-of-consciousness speaking. She merely replied by reaching out to the crudités platter once more and positioning a carrot beneath the baby's mouth in offer of nibbles.
"Uh..." ,she finally replied when the Miqo'te's latest questionnaire had subsided. "She was referrin' to earlier. She had jokingly referred to our portly pal 'ere as vittles. Doesn't seem like it's completely left th'little dear's mind." With that she smiled warmly to Avis. "Near's I figure? You gotta regain his trust. And I dunno 'bout you lot, but the fastest way t'friendship is food!" She beamed at the thought of all the food heading their way, suddenly very aware of her rather empty stomach as a result of her failing to break her fast from last night. "Lessee how he takes to some'a what we have here...maybe you like a carrot, wee one?" She leaned over, offering the crunchy orange treat to the baby again, hair spilling over and creating a small curtain between her face and the behemoth's as a stream of cooing soft sounds issued from the woman's mouth. REALLY getting attached. |
RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-04-2014, 02:34 PM
The sudden treat caused most of Gran's ire to evaporate away like the morning dew on Thanalanian grasses. Being used to treats in the jerked meat variety, though, he was surprised to be presented with one that was so much more colorful. And smelled so much differently. He snuffled at the carrot piece proffered to him, trying to figure out what it was and - more importantly - if he could eat it.
Sight test and smell test both came back inconclusive, but he had seen the bipeds noshing on it so it couldn't be all that bad. A small rumbling in his belly further cemented his willingness to give it a try. One more tentative sniff and the baby behemoth daintily took the treat into his mouth. And then Gran proceeded to eat it in the noisiest way possible. Unfamiliar with the more rigid and unyielding texture of the carrot, the little porker crunched and munched at it with deliberate opening and closings of his mouth to ensure proper mastication. His eyes were pointed downward at his own snout, as if trying to watch himself consume the strange treat. Only after doing this for what might seem as an excessively long time did Gran swallow it. And decide that he preferred the jerky treats Chachanji gave him as a snack more, while his tummy rumbled for something more filling. As if to answer his porcine wish, the assortment of meats arrived. Their current waiter hung back as a heftier fellow presented a wide assortment of roasted and grilled delights. The smell immediately set Gran to drooling, and more than willing to try to escape Steel Wolf's grasp to partake like the little piggy he was. It was only after it was all tabled that their timid waiter approached again, holding a small bowl of what looked like pressed-together balls of meat scraps. "And... ah... for your pet..." he intoned, placing the bowl gently in front of the Roegadyn and her purple bundle. A closer inspection would indeed show that they were little more than leftover bits of other meat dishes that had been churned up and shaped into little spheres, perfect for consumption by a growing baby behemoth. Being as savvy as she was, Momodi had sought to think of a catchy name for the things, should she find a market for them as treats for the various other pets adventurers seemed to be traveling around with these days. Ballhemoths, Behemeaties, Minyums, an entire list of rejected ideas was scribbled down on a scrap of parchment somewhere in the Lalafell's possession. It was only when she overheard Gran's owner talking about teaching the little porker to throw rocks like the bigguns that she was struck with horrible, horrible inspiration. Meateors. |
RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-04-2014, 10:45 PM
The Miqo'te's fanciful ramble both bemused and baffled Avis, but the real wonder was Steel, who was, unlike Avis, at present completely in touch with her maternal faculties. Avis stared in barely-disguised amazement at Steel's hopeless descent into love. What were those soft, gentle, almost high-pitched sounds being emitted from the direction of that tall, roaring, axe-bearing, elevator-charging, warlike Roegadyn? She had never employed such... methods... of endearment with her own feathered famliar, the eminent Sir Fabuli, as she liked to call him. They were close, yes, trusted each other, Â yes, had non-verbal, almost telepathic bickerings, yes, but if they veered towards mutual fondness more than a strictly professional relationship, it surely wasn't the result of pets, strokes, caresses, and... cooing.
She broke out of it enough to turn to Miko with a heavy-lidded smirk. "Generally, my dear, anything less than three-quarters my size would be quite out of the question," she said dryly. She was quite enjoying the Miqo'te's company, though, and she wondered what it would be like if they turned the tables and launched torrents of questions at her instead. If she hadn't been this tired, it could've been her next mission. The first being achieving good standing with the baby behemoth, of course. Friendship through food made perfect sense. Avis would take it upon herself to be Pig's personal feeder this time, even if the clockwork-like movement and noisy clicks of his jaws and teeth around the carrot stick had proved a little... disconcerting. And right on cue, the food arrived. Avis nodded at their favorite young waiter, who hung behind first, as she retrieved her money pouch, gesturing to indicate that the payment for this round would come from her instead. She began laying out coins on the table in small mounds carefully, and, noting how redness had seemed to spread into the waiter's ears upon nearing their very intimidating group, emptied the rest of her pouch for him. Not that there was much left. She trusted in Steel's size and that of the larger waiter to deter any thief looking to make off with a quick one, as the long-forgotten smell of Ul'dahn roasts and grills greeted her nostrils. Ah. For a moment her migraine vaporized. Perhaps she'd be able to stomach this after all. Then a second bowl was placed right in front of Pig, a bowl of meat shaped neatly by hand into red, bloody-looing balls that seemed to fit right into a human palm. The little one looked eager already, sniffing, snorting, squirming. Avis seized her chance and, reaching into the meat bowl, plucked up one of these, positioning its unwelcome stickiness properly in her hand before lifting it to the baby behemoth. "Nibbles for our tibbles!" Avis offered in an awkwardly lilting, singsong tone. "Will this your fancy tickle, you porky little pickle? Aaaaaaaaaahhhh." Rhymes and songs worked for children; might they not work similarly for this stubborn little carnivore? She had fallen low indeed. Yes, Steel might find in her a good student. [sub]Avis Inkwood | Qara Qalli journal/tumblr[/sub] |
RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-05-2014, 03:09 PM
Even if he could understand the babbling coming out of Avis' mouth, Gran would've been hard-pressed to understand what she was saying. The look he gave her was one of bewilderment, his horned head canted slightly to one side to conceptualize his confusion. He he eyebrows, one of them most certainly would've been hiked up while the other remained slightly furrowed. As he did not, he made do with what he had.
Still, she was offering him one of his favorite meal-time treats. Still still, she was the one that had said things towards him that - while he didn't understand them - he hadn't liked how they had been said. Still still still, he did have significant backup in the form of Steel Wolf, who seemed to be the sort to react quite negatively should the Hyur do anything overly untoward to the purple porker. He wasn't fully sure of how the dynamics worked with the bipeds - he'd seen several taller ones yelling at smaller ones that looked not unlike his owner - but the Roegadyn's much larger size and armored hide probably meant she could take Avis on should it come to blows. Not that the baby behemoth was a slouch himself, he had totally beaten that armored chocobo those many suns ago, after all. So, with much nervous snuffling, little Gran slowly leaned forward from his perch in Steel Wolf's arms. A ripple of movement along his lips, followed by a second, and his mouth opened slightly. And closed. And opened again. On the third time, the baby behemoth was close enough to the Meateor that his snout bumped lightly against it and gained a bit of residue in the treat's juices. Slowly, carefully, he wrapped his mouth around the ball of meat... and then, food secured, snapped back into the safety Steel Wolf's arms and began to chew. |
RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-06-2014, 01:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 02:01 PM by Steel Wolf.)
No amount of training in the martial disciplines could have prepared Steel for the surprise of Avis' children's rhyme at the baby behemoth. It completely caught her unawares, frozen in shock as she struggled to not throw her head back in laughter lest she offend the Hyur, who was very clearly trying to win the purple bundle's good graces.
She fought with all the might of her propriety to not laugh. She wasn't completely successful, as she instead had let slip a tittering "Gfuuhuuhuu..." noise. Her features immediately deadpanned after the sound escaped her lips, hoping beyond all rational thought that the chuckle wasn't heard. The behemoth, however, seemed to react. Either to the soft couplet coming from Avis or--more likely--the balled meat treat that rested lightly in her fingers. She watched, a smile slowly growing upon her lips as the pork loin leaned forward and once....twice....thrice made moves to the meateor before shrinking back in to the pen her armored arms had formed for him, jaw working madly at the food as if it had never been treated before. "Ah! See that! There y'go! Good boy, Eggpla--er, whatever yer name is. Goood...see? She's a good sort. She's good. Yeeeees...." Whatever scene Avis may have made with her children's song in feeding a bright purple baby behemoth would perhaps be lost to passers-by as a giant Roegadyn woman continued to coddle and stroke its Mohawk-fur. Suddenly, her axe probably could have been made of sponge cake and fondant for all anyone knew. |
RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-06-2014, 02:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 02:17 PM by MikoBehnen.)
The other two women seemed fairly engrossed with the antics of the small animal and those strange round things that looked like meat. Miko checked to make sure neither woman was looking her way and sneaked another ball out of the bowl sitting in front of Steel.Â
It was squishy and smelled terrible to her nose, but seeing the pig happily chomping down on one she lifted it to her lips and took a small lick. It tasted largely of salt with a slight hint of dodo which was not too bad, so she took a tiny bite and immediately regretted that decision. It tasted like all the bits you didn't want to eat rolled up into a tight little ball. Trying to paw the taste from her tongue she cried "These are just awful!" and dropped the meaty morsel to the floor. |
RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-06-2014, 04:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 04:11 PM by Gegenji.)
"Well, if I knew the rest of my customers would want to try them, I'd make them with more choice pieces of meat," came a response to Miko's outburst. If one were to turn their head towards the sound, and looked down the prerequisite amount, they would find that Ms. Momodi herself had deigned to investigate the waiter's talk of a baby behemoth. One corner of her mouth hooked upward in a right grin as she tapped her lower lip with a finger. "I'd probably actually cook them, too."
She was quiet for a moment, thinking on the possibilities of Meateors for people, before remembering why she had come over. "Anyroad!" she intoned, returning to the matter at hand and placing her hands on her hips. "I just wanted to see if your little companion enjoyed my Meateors. Not many folks bring there pets in here, let alone another baby behemoth like Gran." The little behemoth's ears perked up at the sound of his name, certainly one of the words he did know, and he glanced towards the speaker. He didn't even bother swallowing his meal beforehand, looking down at the owner with the Quicksand while continuing to nosh on his treat. He gave a simple snort of recognition, then proceeded to try to paw his way back down to the bowl to consume more of those delectable balls of meat. This had the added effect of allowing the lady Lalafell to get a closer look at the "second" baby behemoth and, having seen it so many times before at Chachanji's side, she was quick to recognize it. "Or... just Gran, apparently." The little porker just gave another snort before flopping down onto the table. Oblivious to his identification, he trotted proudly to the bowl and immediately stuffed his snout into it. While muffled a bit by the curvature of the ceramics, it was fairly obvious he was going to town on those Meateors. |
RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-06-2014, 04:40 PM
"So THAT'S th'little terror's name, then!"
Steel grinned broadly and offered a polite bow to Momodi--as polite as she could muster from her seated position. Her arms rested back to her sides as the now-identified porker trotted over to the bowl of delicious Dalamuds and began to eat like...well....a hog. "A pleasure t'see you again, Miss Momodi." ,replied Steel. "If you're familiar with this little beastie's name, then I would hope you're also familiar with 'is owner?" Her voice was curious, even though she likely already knew the answer. Deep down, though, she had hoped that maybe Momodi didn't somehow know everything that passed through her sphere of influence and that she could keep the purple dumpling. |
RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-07-2014, 04:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-07-2014, 05:53 AM by Elysia.)
Avis only faintly registered the Roegadyn lady's amusement and the Miqo'te's next quirky social blunder. She was rather absorbed in the queer, new pleasantness that was the baby behemoth's moist breath tickling her palm as he finally plucked the morsel from her hand on the third try. The Hyur bent and tilted her head slightly to observe Pig's decisive chewing movements with a scientist's fascination. How simple and instinctual an animal's relish was - though this rotund purple curiosity continued to perplex her so.Â
She heard Momodi's voice before she saw her - the proprietess had seemed to materialize out of nowhere. Avis grimaced. She should've kept the hood on, though that might have increased the chances of suffocation in typical Ul'dahn crowds in her current state. Only her hair (rather disheveled by now) falling in front of her face as she watched Pig kept Momodi from instantly knowing the absent recalcitrant Ingram girl for who she was, but recognition was only a matter of time now. So she raised her chin and gave Momodi one of her big girlish grins of old. There the Lalafell lady stood in all her familiar, auburn, maternal glory, and Avis felt a great rush of affection for her - she hadn't been this close to her in a long while. Though she'd found reasons (and excuses) to return to the city twice in the past few months, she had always managed to successfully conceal her identity in the Quicksand with a hood and the fortunate fact that the reputable tavern brimmed with passing adventurers - there were always new faces around. Besides, that family affair was old news by now. "Good day, Momodi. It seems you have quite a handful to deal with today," Avis said, as though it was the most natural thing in the world for an Ingram, who'd a year ago left declaring that she would have nothing more to do with Ul'dah, to be sitting here enjoying the company of Steel and Miko while stroking someone else's baby Gran. For that was what she was doing now, her touch featherlight on his head, the way she'd seen Steel do it, while he indulged messily in an edenic playground of... meateors, was it? Momodi's eyes widened; Avis kept her smile bright, praying that the Lalafell would focus on Steel's question and save her other questions for later. Especially if one of them pertained to her abysmal singing performance. [sub]Avis Inkwood | Qara Qalli journal/tumblr[/sub] |
RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-08-2014, 11:30 AM
Miko suddenly found herself in the role of the spectator, which if she were to be honest with herself she preferred to this interaction stuff. You could learn so much by observation alone, and one of her books had even called it something like the basis of science. She didn't seem to be doing to well in the social communication arena anyway. An unfortunate byproduct of her past, she supposed. A small woman had come up to the table and had at last named the catalyst of this odd trio, which meant she likely new the pig's original companion. Perhaps Miko could finally get some of her questions answered.
The other two woman had addressed the newcomer with a sense of familiarity which meant she was likely a well known figure in the city, and given her comment about the "Meateors," Miko chuckled a bit at the pun, she was likely the tavern's proprietor. They had also called her "Miss Momodi," which sounded familiar to even a fresh visitor to the city, so she was not just well known in Ul'dah. Being the only one in the group, including Gran it seemed, who did not know this woman, Miko elected to stay silent and see what more she could learn about this new member to their group... and if Steel's question was answered, the true owner of the first one. *Reason, observation, and experience; the holy trinity of science. - Robert Green Ingersoll |
RE: Running of the Piglets (OPEN) |
12-08-2014, 11:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2014, 04:47 PM by Gegenji.)
Momodi eyed Avis thoughtfully, several memories and questions rising unbidden to her mind. She had been fairly certain she had caught glimpses of the Hyur's face from beneath a hood here and there, but she had never been absolutely certain of it. Now here she was, uncloaked - if the Lalafell had identified her correctly, of course - and spending time in some interesting company. And she wasn't referring to just Gran. Speaking of, though...
"Considerin' that little dish he's currently inhalin' was made with him in mind, I'd hope I knew 'im," Momodi responded playfully, one small fist on her hip as the other hand waggled an instructive finger. "That goes for his owner, too." Her free hand moved to mirror the other on her hip. "Though, I rarely see one without the other, so this is a bit of a surprise. Gran is usually in their Hourglass room until Chachan gets home, and it's hard to miss that kid runnin' around..." The Quicksand's owner made a point to glance around the well-populated establishment, trying to catch sight of the baby behemoth's owner. Chachanji's return times were always rather nebulous - his tasks could run long or he'd immediately peel off to train with that Free Paladin Warren - but she usually noticed his return well before he let his little pig-friend free from his room. And even on the few times she hadn't, he had always made a point of calling up the stairs first to summon his partner in crime to his side, giving ample warning to anyone paying him any lick of attention. Of course, now that she mused on that particular point, that meant already Gran knew how to get out of the room. Perhaps it was even stranger that the little porker hadn't done it before now. ... Or maybe he had and she'd just never noticed... Hm. It was a troublesome thought to be sure, and another thing she needed to remember to look into. Either way, when her search turned up negative, she returned her attentions again to Steel Wolf - her eyes hesitating briefly again on Avis - before giving a magnanimous shrug of her shoulders. Gran, being that aforementioned baby behemoth, was enjoying his Meateor meal far too much to make his own porcine input, though he did arc his neck upward a bit into the Hyur's hand for more pets. He could always make time for more pets. "... but apparently he isn't here." She returned her fists to her hips as her shoulders fell, and her attentions turned to the other puzzling matter at this table. "Yet, here's someone I didn't expect to see who is..." |
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