Personal Profile
Character Name: Maetikoel SyhrkoensynGender: Male
Race: Miqote/Keeper Of The Moon
Domestic Profile
Civil Status: Citizen/Lominsian Native
Place of Residence: Inn at the Drowning Wench
Occupation: Rogue, Machinist, Blacksmith
Free Company: Bastille
Social Profile
A rather friendly if not loud mouth Miqote that is seen spending a lot of time around Sea Wolves. Due to him being raised by one since he was a child he tends to act as if he was one. For the most part he is a pretty friendly individual, but can get a bit competitive. He'll take any bet as long as it doesn't get him killed or in serious trouble.
Meta Profile
A Miqote raised by Roes instead of Hyurs. The creation of this character was kind of inspired by a topic on this forum about adopted Miqos and so this one was born. Would like to test out this character at some point and get his personality down. Unlike most people if RPing In-game I'm not much of a fan of Walk-Ups at least not for the first time. I prefer first times to be plotted out and the times after can be Walk-Ups
If you ever want to just hang out with a loud mouthed Miqo. Send me a message on here or if you see me in game send a /tell my way and we can talk