I. Basic InfoÂ
- Characters:Â Leanne Delphium
- Primary character:Â Leanne Delphium
- Linkshells:Â Grindstone Coalition
- Primary RP linkshell:Â None
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):Â Medium to heavy! I love RPing, and if I'm not tackling some big bad meanie boss or struggling through endgame content, you will normally find me idling around in the Quicksand!
- Views on RP combat and injuries:Â As long as it makes sense, and there's no godmoding, meta game and etc. I'm very much okay with Leanne suffering a nasty wound or three, but against permanent maiming and death!
- Views on IC romance:Â Completely fine with it, once more, if makes sense! (not rushed, there's a chemistry between the two characters, etc etc..) yet though, not particularly seeking for romances of any kind, so much I consider Leanne partly asexual! But, if the consequence of a RP ends up being a relationship...!
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):Â Fine with it!
- Views on lore:Â I think I could say I'm a bit knowledgeable on the game's lore. It is of my opinion that lore can be bent/manipulated with at times, not only to make things interesting, but also to make the life of RPers a little easier.
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):Â Depends! Not much to say here honestly.
- Country:Â United States
- Timezone:Â GMT-5
- Contact info:Â Feel free to PM me! Or tackling me whenever I idle on the Quicksand...or send a tell! The choice is yours!Â
"Forever walking forward, towards the ever distant horizon."
-Leanne Delphium