Hello there!Â
I've been browsing around on here for a few days now and figured I should probably introduce myself. Â
I got into FFXIV because my entire family has been playing for a while and finally convinced me to give it a try. I was dubious at first, but I'll give anything a try once. I'm in love. The structure of this game is amazing, and the story reminds me why I loved Final Fantasy in the first place. The world is engaging and beautiful, and the community so far is just lovely.Â
Personal Info aka "But what about me"
I'm a computer programmer and graphic designer in my offline life. I have a BFA in gender studies (which no, you can't do anything with but teach but it was fun) and an AA in Photography. I'm a huge gamer, well... nerd in general. Comics, games, books... it's bad. I'm new to RP, but I'm excited and am very open to advice and input from others. I was sent over here from Tumblr so *waves at any tumblr people* thank you guys!
Feel free to friend me in game (S'ahmiko Behnen) or message me here. I'm always up for a chat.
I've been browsing around on here for a few days now and figured I should probably introduce myself. Â
I got into FFXIV because my entire family has been playing for a while and finally convinced me to give it a try. I was dubious at first, but I'll give anything a try once. I'm in love. The structure of this game is amazing, and the story reminds me why I loved Final Fantasy in the first place. The world is engaging and beautiful, and the community so far is just lovely.Â
Personal Info aka "But what about me"
I'm a computer programmer and graphic designer in my offline life. I have a BFA in gender studies (which no, you can't do anything with but teach but it was fun) and an AA in Photography. I'm a huge gamer, well... nerd in general. Comics, games, books... it's bad. I'm new to RP, but I'm excited and am very open to advice and input from others. I was sent over here from Tumblr so *waves at any tumblr people* thank you guys!
Feel free to friend me in game (S'ahmiko Behnen) or message me here. I'm always up for a chat.