Hand bells ring out, echoing on the rocks outside of Revenant's Toll.
"Do welcome you all here, for coming such a long way, and bringing your own display of strength and diligence to this day."
"Along with you walk those you bring in your memories and hearts, the emotions created by their impact on our lives, the marks of war we all carry."
"This day, like most, we carry them with honor and pride. The peace we enjoy now forged and preserved by war; a high cost for a higher purpose. Today we all walk, showing how we fulfill that purpose. It is truly an honor to be among such."
"Dare some of you are braver in the snow. Watch your feet and keep close together pilgrims. There are guards posted along the route, so do not show fear in honor of The Fury."
Guards lined the small cobblestone path, keeping wolves and the like at bay with their
The pilgrims keep the hands up, ringing bells loudly over the wind, a clear sound to follow despite the lack in visibility. Along they trekked, heads up and spirits high, to Monument Tower.
The stone building was vast inside, the hearth in the center making the interior warm, a stark difference to the weather outside.
"Huh... guess it's bigger on the inside." "Still warm?" "Yes! I'm quite toasty." "Good! I was worried you might get cold without a hat and scarf."
"The locals? They'll love anything that distracts from the cold and the wyrms." "The winters of the Twelveswood are no so unlike Coerthas."
Malisette returns the smile and gives a slight incline of her head. "Perhaps leave the seats for others. I'm fine to stand."
Tristanaux smiles faintly to Kale, noting, "Some of the High Houses feel more strongly than others." "Which 'ouse is it that ain't mind workin' with adventurers?"
"And we are fortunate enough to be in the demesne of House Haillenarte at the moment. And it is House Fortemps of whom you think."
Kale nods in thanks for the question being answered, "Heh, I wouldn't know...but cheers..." he gestures to himself, and his chocobo, as if the reason for his oblivion were obvious.
Namaka beamed at all the people, siding up next to one whom she felt might need assistance, should they leave the safety of the tower.
Chachanji asked, "Ya handlin' th' cold akay, Ms. Hat?" Leanne nodded, blinking at the two lalafells.
One of the guards, Alistair asks, "Pardon the interruption but may I ask about if anyone has any injuries from the travel?"
Tristanaux steps closer to the near bench, inquiring of Sinette and Victorique, "If you wouldn't mind me joining you?" "By all means, sir."
Alexander looks over to the cloak individual that sat next to him before he offers them a nod.
Namaka nods to Rina, always giving her bright smile. "It's wonderful, yes!" Leaning in, she whispered not-so-quietly, "I'm protecting this one, but he doesn't know it. Oh! Shh!"
"We are honored this day to have one of Halone's own among us, a priest of well known renown. Sir Mynhier, would you please say some words for everyone here?"
Erik Mynhier stepped forward, taking the prominent spot on the steps in his clerical robes.
"Ladies and gentlemen.... I am Eirikir Mynhier, Priest of Halone."
"I would impart some wisdom if I may before we begin..."
Cliodhna watches Erik with a soft smile.
"It was the start of the Seventh Umbral Era, and the wrath of the Dragon paused, suddenly and unexpectedly..."
"All around us, it was as if the world were holding its breath.... waiting..."
"All of life can be broken down into moments of transition or moments of revelation. This had the feeling of both."
"It is written in the Enchiridion... 'There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way...the war we fight is not against powers and principalities. It is against chaos and despair.'
'Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender.'
"I say to you to take hope. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in hope, to be born in moments..... of revelation."
"The Fury Shield you all."
"Let the gathering begin."