I. Basic Info
II. RP Style
III. Other Info
- Characters:Virara Wakuwa
- Primary character:Virara Wakuwa
- Linkshells:Friends of Momodi, Heavy RP.
- Primary RP linkshell:Coral Sea.
II. RP Style
- Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
Any is fine. I like to do a little bit of planning for more involved storylines, but I am new to improvisational writing, and it's fun for me too. Approach me to play, and if I am busy I'll let you know, walkups are fine. I am out of practice so this is still a bit awkward for me. Forgive me if I play inconsistently or confusingly, as I'm still finding a 'voice.' Although I've done much RP in pen and paper, as well as online message boards, I'm new to RP in MMO.
A note on what I'm most used to writing: While I'm fairly certain I'm at least reasonably well adjusted, my RP does tend towards the somber side. Though I'm fond of comedy and happy moments to break things up and keep everyone's spirits high, RP with me tends to sooner or later fall into the 3d realm. (Depressing, Disturbing and Dark.) If you are totally adverse to any sadness in your stories whatsoever or dislike conflict, please be upfront about this with me as I am a sadistic creator, and my characters tend to lead interesting lives. This is not to say by any means I will force you to participate in that kind of RP. I'm perfectly capable of feel good slice of life RP, and the occasional cooking/dinner scene or friendly bar conversation. It's just simply that force of habit will invariably lead my fingertips back to their comfort zone sooner or later.
I see RP as cooperative story writing. This means I basically will give other players the benefit of the doubt that they will not use OOC knowledge inappropriately, because it's more fun that way. For that reason, unless it's absolutely critical, I tend to not be bothered by either knowing about things OOC or heavily planning an RP in advance as much as others. I won't use OOC knowledge ICly, as I find it way more fun to simply perform my function within the story line and help enrich the narrative. My experience makes me confident I can carry a story or provide good input, so don't be a stranger and feel free to work more closely with me on planned events if you feel I can help.
I have had many outstanding offers to RP from people I've only met online once or twice that I've probably forgotten about. If you ever asked me to play and I've forgotten, please do not take it personally! I'm often a bit air-headed after work and my addled brain fails me. Never feel too shy to send me a PM or a /tell in-game to remind me to arrange a time and place to play with your character.
- Views on RP combat and injuries:
I'll write out any sort of RP combat you'd like to play with me. I think it's a fun opportunity to work together to make a cool scene. I'll never permanently injure your character unless you want me to. As for who wins, that's up to discussion. I like playing the "midboss" to weaker, fledgling characters, and will usually give up a win if it helps develop a character, but play punching bag too long and that infamous reputation starts to seem more fiction and less fiendish.
- Views on IC romance:
Quite unexpectedly, I've played at least the fledgling stages of a budding romance, though where it goes is anyone's guess. I feel writing romance not a strong point of mine, but I'll try to respond accordingly if things develop that way. I fade to black in places where ERP would happen, as I don't think I'm terribly good at it, and I'm not terribly fond of it personally.
- Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
My main focus. I like stories involving family, loneliness, obligation and fighting or rivalry. I draw largely from console RPG, wuxia novel and anime plots to think of stories to play out. I want to create a network of relationships to tie my character to the stories of others and vice versa. I'm fond of planning out some stories in advance to a limited degree, so we can make more and more complex scenes! I'm perfectly willing to play along, and I'm not too bothered by 'railroading' as long as it makes sense and is cool.
- Views on lore:
Follow it carefully in areas which it covers and add stuff where it does not. For sure interpretation of canon is a big deal to me and I'll feel it out as I play with others. If you have an issue with how I interpret some of the setting, please let me know and I'll adjust within reason.
- Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
If I speak in "quotation marks," I am speaking in character.
If I emote with text attached, the character is making that expression/gesture unless otherwise stated.
If I write >in front of my text, this is narration, often descriptive. Think Persona.
If I write normally or ((like this,)) it is OOC.
III. Other Info
- Country:USA
- Timezone:PST
- Contact info:Through forum, game, or Guildwork.
- Availability:I'm generally on Balmung sometime between 6 PM and 12 AM PST, though I do play on my other server and as such availability will vary. I am generally busy on Saturday and most free on Sunday. The best way to get in contact with me is through forum PM; message me and I'll gladly arrange time to be free.
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AV by Kura-Ou
Wiki (Last updated 01/16)
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AV by Kura-Ou
Wiki (Last updated 01/16)
My Balmung profile.